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Dear Sir,

This letter is being drafted by me to the fictitious commissioner who has sent a brief to me in the form of a tender calling for an evaluation of a housing programme /service (Ali, 2008). The purpose of this letter is to aware client with the possible services that will occur during the transaction process between the Clients Company. This is the reply to your letter and the offer of your tender.


The Municipal Housing and Social Promotion approved, in partnership with the Municipal Housing Council, the criteria for the processing of the families enrolled in the program Minha Casa, Minha Vida. Families who will benefit from the program will be evaluated on five criteria. The Ministry of Cities has established two criteria fixed for the entire country. The first evaluates the families who are in risk areas and the second benefit women who are heads of households. The three remaining criteria are under the responsibility of the municipality (Ali, 2008).

The deadline for registration for families earning up to three minimum wages ended on March 31, 2010. Families who have registered by this date contribute to the benefit of the first stage of the program, which will build 431 homes. Another phase of the project is still under negotiation, no date for the start of construction. Families interested in enrolling in the program should precede in the same way those families who registered for the first step. Interested parties should seek the Housing Department at the Municipal Housing and Social Promotion.

Only families registered with the Secretary can receive the benefit. The registration deadline for this second has no definite date of termination (Ali, 2008).

According to the Municipal Health Department, are among the powers of the Family Health Team (FHT) comprehensive care incorporating as the person subject of the action, the environment and interpersonal behaviors and home visits for the purpose to monitor the health status of families.

According to the latest census conducted in 2000, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the total population is 11,149 inhabitants, distributed in 6,949 inhabitants in the urban area (62.3%) and 4,200 (37.67%) in rural, with an urbanization rate of 62.3% and an annual growth rate of 1.23%. The PSF meets 100% of households in the municipality, divided at the time of the study, three ESF.

The present study is cross-sectional observational whose instrument of data collection was interviews applied at the homes of users, with the script a semi-structured. The random sample was stratified by different micro areas of health, thus ensuring the equitable representation between them and therefore among the rural and urban areas, representing 10% (n = 364) of households ascribed the PSF. My project team, in order to meet the real needs of the population, conducted census research, including the registration of existing buildings. In addition, it established a direct channel of communication with residents during the design process, constructive, and later in the installation of families in new homes. Were held weekly meetings with the participation of residents and technicians, innovative featuring in relation ...
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