Leadership In Healthcare

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Leadership in HealthCare

Leadership in Health Care


Leadership is the ability to manage people & get the work done by them in a way that everyone feels empowered & apply their efforts to achieve set goals. Leadership possesses the idea that people have some skills & abilities to manage things better than other people. Sometimes it is natural & many times it is nurtured by environment. Leader is somehow a mentor of his/her followers; he/she must also display efforts and observe things around (Adair, 1997, pp. 10-12). A medical leader carefully observes those states and discerns significance looking for how to adapt the setting most effectively. Health Care Leader must have a good self esteem. Health Care is an organization where leadership qualities matter the most. Health Care organization is supposed to be the most organized disciplined and united social entity. A Health Care organization must have some sort of flexibility in a way it is integrated. In this paper I have discussed my observations and plans for the future leader in health care entity. Situations are developed from taking real life examples and few are common experiences taken by working professionals. This paper is based on reflective manner of my own self.

Component 1: With reference to the leadership theories and models detailed within the module, prepare a reflective analysis of your own leadership approach

Leadership theories & models

In a reflective manner I would discuss and explain the theories & styles. Initial theories were focusing on what qualities distinguish a leader from the followers, while subsequent theories also focused on other attributes as well such as skills required by a leader and other situational factors. Many leadership theories have been presented by many of the theorists; I will discuss few and see the importance of these theories in relevance with health care organization (Burns, et. al. 1978, pp. 20-38).

Many theorists have given an idea of leadership as leaders are always born. People always have some extraordinary skills which are required primarily for leading group of people. These theories sometimes termed as great man theories. These theories present a leader as a heroic character (Walshe and Smith 2006).

Similarly, trait theory of leadership also gives an idea similar to great man theory; it also believes that leaders have some inherent qualities which distinguish them from others. Trait theory talks about some particular qualities and behavioral characteristics which are used by leaders. This statement arises a question that what about the people who have all such qualities but they are not the leaders (Dale, et. at, 2002, pp. 9-33)

Another theory of leadership is contingency theory, which focuses on particular variables related to the situation which requires other sort of skills in every next situation. According to contingency theory not a single style of leadership is best suitable for every type of situation. Success in the situation may require number of skills. It depends upon the quality of the followers as well (Dawson, 2003, pp. ...
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