Leadership, Culture, And Performance

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Leadership, Culture, and Performance

Leadership, Culture, and Performance


In order to understand and comprehend the changes and the challenges that have been felt and experienced over the passage of time, assessing the degree and capacity with which individuals not only provide for the development of leaders in the company, but that they are able to manage for the creation of zealous, ambitious, productive and synergetic performance.

With the constant changes that are being felt and experienced over the passage of time, a major duty and responsibility is highlighted on the part of the people and the individuals that are being running and functioning in the organization over the passage of time (Kaiser, Hogan & Craig, 2008).

People that are serving and rendering their services at the role of leadership upon presidential and executive level hold the responsibility of adhering to the development and the establishment of the necessary results and outcomes to develop the company's portfolio and enhance its performance on an external level.

In addition to the above, these leaders are also required for the development and the growth of employees associated and working with the organization. With close coordination and collaboration that exists between leaders and employees, it would then suffice for these employees to be motivated and be ambitiously determined, in order to make progress (Torbert, 2004).

Finally, these leaders are also responsible for direction, motivation and vigor, leading to synergetic performance, legibly crafting organizational values and the corresponding results that would positively constructively and proactively aid the development and the establishment of company progress and overall performance.

Culture of the organization and the leadership style of the President and CEO

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