Relationship between Change and Unproductive Conflict
Relationship between Change and Unproductive Conflict
Fusion Leadership
Fusion Leadership describes a new way of leading based on "fusion," a coming together of whole individuals to accomplish mutual goals based on shared vision and values. Fusion leaders are those who engage not only the bodies and minds of their employees, but also their hearts and souls. Unlike the traditional, hierarchical "fission" management style used for centuries in business, fusion leadership supports personal growth and ingenuity, qualities that facilitate change.
The change process encompasses all activities aimed at helping the organization to successfully adopt new attitudes, new technologies and new ways of doing business. A change process occurs very efficiently if everyone is committed to it. In organizations, some changes occur because of the opportunities that arise, while others are projected. The term development is applied when the change is intentional and planned (Jossey, 2003).
Importance of Change
From the hard truth, in this universe is the reality of change, organizations that see the change automatically or planning. In most organizations, institutions and companies, it costs us a lot of change, especially when the change is to implement is to improve processes, products, services or how we are today. The way we perceive the change, is what makes us reject it immediately, it denotes instability, threat or loss of the set, when the change should be seen as a constant, permanent, like the movement of the universe or the passing time. Clarity of expectations is related to opening communication regarding the subject at all levels of the organization, and relevant and timely information on the process of change to be implemented. For many organizations, organizational change management also means moving from a traditional culture in which prevailing bureaucratic style, motivational and values for power and affiliation, and a climate of conformity to a culture of performance, which may provide creative ideas people can take calculated risks and is encouraged to set challenging goals, through the recognition of merit and excellent results (Ghoshal, 2005).
An analysis of the human side of the change process to adapt to a more competitive environment, we may assume that the organizational arrangement, the team and the implementation process of change, fundamentally oriented unique characteristics require doing a job better and better, standards of excellence that will increase productivity and organizational effectiveness. In other words, it is essential that people possess a range of skills directly related to excellence in their respective areas of responsibilities, to ensure greater competitiveness.
Organizational change is important, because like everything else, business is an ongoing process of change (Burns, 2003). As society changes, organizational structure must also meet the societal changes. Change is important because it is one thing we can always count on. Now there are some who would vehemently refuse, deny and oppose to it but make no mistake even they would have to count on change to maintain any interest in their protest.
Forces that prevent change
Vested interest
Waiting for the personal losses resulting from changes