Leadership Assessment

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Leadership Assessment

Leadership Assessment


Leaders play an important role in organizations. The leadership styles impacts the employees in various manners. This paper discusses the organizational structure, culture of company and its approach to team development, performance of leader based on ethical conduct and effective communication, best practices organizational leaders to motivate employees and their potential benefits, challenges of leaders in managing diversity and diversity in business organizations to compete in global markets, and effective business strategy to address challenges and issues.


Leadership style(s) of a senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO, Director, etc.) & its impact

The leadership styles of senior executives impact the employees in various manners. Employees view the leaders as their role model. The actions of leaders influence his followers in team in various aspects. Thus, leadership styles play a pivotal role in influencing the employees in organization. There are several leadership styles such as transformational leadership, transactional leadership, autocratic leadership, charismatic leadership, democratic leadership, and other styles (Goldman, 1998). However, there is no specific leadership style which can be regarded as the best and superior as compared to other styles. This is due to the fact that different nature of workers and organizations requires different leadership styles.

The leadership styles should be preferred which can achieve the organizational goals and objectives effectively. Sometimes this requires dictatorship or autocratic style to impose directions on workers under strict conditions. Others favor the support of participative style to welcome the opinions and inputs of team members (Goleman, 2000).

Organizational Structure, Culture of Company & Its Approach to Team Development

The organizational structure and culture of the company determines the overall success of the company. The approach to team development is highly regarded in organizations to motivate the workers and enhance relationship skills in the workplace. Therefore, team development is considered as the key factors in running the organization effectively. Companies often strive towards achieving a significant level of team development to support the development and establishment of its employees (Nohria, 2008). There are various issues and challenges faced by organization in attaining this level of team development.

Organizations should focus on the structure and culture in order to maintain the system of effective workplace. Team development is the primary step to enhance the quality. The relationship between organizational structure and culture of company assist in determining the team development. It comprises of four basic stages; forming, storming, normalizing, and performing. Leaders have significant role in every stage. The forming of team is done by the involvement of leader. Team members are adjusted accordingly and settle down to their respective duties in team. Finally, the team starts performing according to their objectives and roles. Leaders have to observe and monitor the team members to evaluate their performance and check for any deviation from the instructions.

Performance of Leader Based On Ethical Conduct & Effective Communication

The performance of leader should serve as benchmark to his team members. It should be based on his ethical conduct and effective communication which should be better than his ...
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