[Institution Name]Managing People and Information Knowledge- A case study on FridgeCom
Q1: Identify two different types of power in the case and critically discuss how each of these two types of power has influenced leadership styles at FridgeCom.
FridgeCom's top leadership is Mike Wilson and he has heads of departments that are subordinate to him. He is the third generation of family member leadership of the company and he retains the tradition of the family and believes in producing quality goods and services at cost effective prices. Mike's perception of leadership is described as paternalistic; therefore, he is restrictive in delegating responsibilities. He is also perceived to be blunt and wants to be on top of everything going on in his company. A review of leadership research on personality and emergent leadership reveals that measures of dominance, extroversion, sociability, ambition, responsibility, integrity, self-confidence, mood, emotional control, diplomacy and cooperativeness were positively related to emergent leadership (Maddock, 1998, p. 3). Understanding the nature of a strong leadership style is perhaps a lot easier than practically implying it. Traits of a good leader comprise of profound human qualities that are far beyond usual philosophy of authority. Some leaders tend to be very task-oriented; only concerned to get their task done. Other leaders are a lot more employee-oriented; they concern about an employee's happiness. Rests of them are a combination. In situations where a person prefers leading by enforcing firm schedules, one tends to be task-oriented. In case if employees are your primary concern and you strive to fulfill their needs, your approach is employee-oriented. None of the preference can be justified as right or wrong. Leadership styles tend to change according to different situations.
The way in which a manager relates with his subordinates and how the functions of leadership are executed can be attributed to leadership style. Mike can be described as an authoritarian as he is responsible for determining the policies and procedures for achieving goals, and all interactions within the organization move towards him. In this case study, Mike is the owner and the managing director at the same time. This position allows him to dictate his people what they should do and what they should do. Although, he demonstrates a democratic leadership style by delegating, having interaction with his subordinates through meetings, giving them a stake in the decision-making process, and allowing them partake in the implementation of systems and procedures. He also recognizes that certain managers have a say in his decision making process; hence he tends to sell his ideas to them before making a final decision (Mullins, 2010, p. 380). Veronica can be recognized by her degree of Warwick, and her "veteran" experience in human resources working with Marks and Spencer. David, on the other hand, as FridgeCom chief financial officer, is known for his reputation, quick thinking and the introduction of reliable accounting systems. In addition, Terry is recognized as competent in his work. He has a sophisticated programming skills and extensive technical ...