Peasants were not the only constituents of French humanity to seem the Great Fear. Nobles and agents of the Church were identically afraid. Throughout France, musicians of furious peasants struck out against constituents of the top categories, striking and decimating numerous manor houses(Arendt, 25-35). In the summer of 1789, a couple of months before the women's stride to Versailles, some nobles and constituents of clergy in the National Assembly responded to the uprisings in an emotional late-night meeting.
The Assembly Reforms France
Throughout the evening of August 4, 1789, noblemen made impressive talks, affirming their love of liberty and equality. Motivated more by worry than by idealism, they connected other constituents of the National Assembly in clearing away the feudal privileges of the First and Second Estates, therefore making commoners identical to the nobles and the clergy. By forenoon, the Old Regime was dead.
The Rights of Man
Three weeks subsequent, the National Assembly adopted a declaration of revolutionary ideals, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Reflecting the leverage of the Declaration of Independence, the article asserted that “men are born and stay free and identical in rights.” These privileges encompassed “liberty, house, security, and opposition to oppression.” The article furthermore assured people identical fairness, flexibility of talk, and flexibility of religion(Bachrach, 198). In holding with these values, revolutionary managers taken up the sign “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” as their slogan. Such sentiments, although, did not request to everyone. When author Olympe de Gouges (aw•LIMP duh GOOZH) released a affirmation of the privileges of women, her concepts were rejected. Later, in 1793, she was announced an foe of the Revolution and executed.
A State-Controlled Church
Many of the National Assembly's early reforms focused on the Church. The assembly took over Church lands and announced that Church officials ...