Supervision and Instructional Leadership Benchmark Assessment and Rubric
Supervision and Instructional Leadership Benchmark Assessment and Rubric
Responding to the Parent's Letter Part 1
TO:Mrs. Robertson, Mother of Jessica Robertson
Date:November 7, 2012
Subject:Porno in Computer Class
Dear Parent,
I would like to inform you that your complaint letter, regarding the exposure of your child Jessica Robertson, has been received and taken special note of. Furthermore, I would like to bring in to your notice that any act of such kind on behalf of any of our faculty member or on part of any member of the management of the institution will not be tolerated. The higher management has decided to take the issue as a serious matter of concern for the institution, as it would not only affect the prestige and reputation of our prestigious institution, but also affect the many students enrolled at our institution. Therefore, the matter would be thoroughly investigated in order to determine any kind of truth in the claim that is made on your behalf. However, any kind of an action can only be taken on our behalf, once the overall process of investigation of this serious matter of concern is over. The teacher would be suspended till the end of the investigation process, and would not be allowed to take any more classes. We have already made a team consisting of individuals from the management and the faculty, who will be looking into the matter and providing the final report of their investigation, only after having interviews from other students that were present during that period. Moreover, other members of the faculty will also be interviewed regarding the character of Ms. Paulson, which will also help in the investigation process. Once all the interviews are done and other activities involved in the process of investigation are complete, the investigation team will then generate a final report on their thoughts and present the result of the investigation to the members of the higher management.
Hopefully, the team will be able to find out the real facts behind the overall issue, which will enable us to take the most appropriate action, in regard to the matter under study. I would like to request you to be patient and to support the decision of the institution to investigate into this serious matter, as it would not be right to take any action against the teacher, as of now, without conducting any kind of an investigation.
Plan of Action Part 2
Being the principal of the school, it would me my job to ensure safe and secure environment for the children studying at the school. Therefore, in order to make sure that school environment is safe and secure for the children, and in order to prevent any kind of an activity that can prove to be a threat for the students, an action plan must be developed in regard to the matter under investigation, in order to make sure that no such events take place in the future.