This report discusses the Emotional Behavior Disorders, including therapeutic interventions. The children with SEBD and disabilities are a demanding and strenuous endeavor as it is contingent on an array of structural, practical and ideological factors. This paper evaluates the possibilities and challenges of the group of students with SEBD. The emotional disability not only kills the self confidence of the student but also makes him feel alienated and fearful by the society. However, effective remedial measures can play a pivotal role in enhancing the emotional and behavioral condition of the student.
Emotional Disorder Assessment
I have spent 20 hours in a classroom setting of individuals with emotional disabilities. My task was to assess the activities, facilities and care provided to these individuals that assists them in dealing with their traumas and emotional disabilities. Following is the depiction of my personal observation in the setting.
The first thing I observed in the setting was its ambiance. It was a classroom setting for emotional disorder students. The space and furnishing include indoor space furnishings for routine care and play, seating arrangement, display for individuals and Provision for learning and improvement. The indoor space of the facility is comfortable and huge and provides a quality learning environment to all students.
I observed that the facility took care of every physical or emotional need of the individuals. Their personal care routines include; Greeting/Departing, Meals/Snacks, Nap, Toileting, Health practices and Safety practice.
Health and safety practices also have high ratings at the facility. The mentors take good care of individuals' health which prevents the emergence of any related issue. There is appropriate first aid available in the center which, in case of any issue, helps in controlling the problem.
Listening and Talking sessions are conducted for individuals to drag them out of their emotional traumas. It also includes helping individuals to understand and use language and the use books. Even though, it is a difficult task and the center manages it neutrally but, these are the areas to which the center should provide more focus. Use of books relates to these two issues.
I believe that the facility is doing well in relation to improving emotional conditions for the members. However, there is still room for improvement which will be discussed in the recommendations section. Activities include Fine motor, Active physical play, Art, Music and movement, Blocks, Dramatic play, Sand and ...