Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management


In every health care institution or organization the patient is the focus of all the staff and doctors. The administration, public relations, security, catering, laundry, electronics, civil, electrical and air conditioning maintenance is involved in supporting the doctors, nurses and assistants in providing OPD and ward care to the patients. Leadership is essential in health care institutions because leaders support and lead the staff to achieve the goals. The leaders should not only lead the direct care givers but also to the indirect staff as well. The basic role of leader is to motivate and increase the morale of the staff (Max, 2003, 76-110).


Team Formation and Development

In Irish health care, formation and development of teams is very important to achieve organizational goals. The doctors must work in teams in order to better achieve the goals on time. The formation and development of teams in a medical setting is extremely important. If the personnel do not know the team formation dynamics then it would be very difficult to achieve the goals. Team roles are patterns of behavior through which the team members interact amongst each other or with a single team member. If there is conflict between two people in a team the entire team would bear the consequences of the disagreement because the team cannot work unless every member of the team contributes towards achieving a goal as a whole (Heider, 1986, 1093-1110).

The team role concept has been discussed in detail by many of the people. Dr. Belbin did a remarkable work in roles of team and he categorized twelve roles of the team members. As a member of a team, one must know the job description and the required contribution he or she should have toward the achievement of an organizational goal. However, if required the team members do have to perform jobs that are not part of their job description. This is where the twelve-team roles come into play as an essential part of the team mix. The roles, which were defined by Belbin includes:

Creative Team Roles-Plant and Resource Investigator

Leadership Roles-Shaper, Implementer and Coordinator

Miscellaneous Roles-Specialist, Monitor/Evaluator, Completer-Finisher and Team Worker

Plant- Creative, imaginative, unorthodox, solves difficult problems

Resource Investigator-Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative, explores opportunities, develops contacts

Shaper-Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure, has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles

Implementer-Disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient, turns an idea into practical actions

Coordinator-Mature, confident, a good chairperson, clarifies goals, promotes decision-making, delegates well

Specialist-Single-minded, self-starting, dedicated, provides knowledge and skills in rare supply

Monitor/Evaluator-Sober, strategic and discerning, sees all options, judges accurately

Completer/Finisher-Painstaking, conscientious, anxious, searches out errors and omissions

Team worker-Cooperative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic, listens, builds, and averts friction

These are the roles played by the professional teams in Irish health care. It is sometimes tough for an individual to assess his role play in the team because he does not play any of the roles mentioned above and the author called it team role blind spot (Belasco, 2004, 09-29).

Management Styles in Health Care (Irish) Belbin

Management is very necessary in ...
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