Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management


The leadership is a crucial issue today where borders have been open to trade overall, where organizations and companies are constantly in a constant struggle to become increasingly competitive, which has led to the people who are up efficient and able to be a really for the welfare of the organization or company. (Raelin, 2003)

Speaking of organizations and individuals is essential to mention the drivers, today's leaders, those that achieve the success of their organizations and to guide his subordinates to do so. The leader as any person has many flaws and virtues that must know, this means first looking within oneself, to know and then understand others and reflect on what you want to accomplish, which aims to achieve with others to achieve success. (Rodgers, 2003)

This analysis leads us to understand and then meet the other and thereby improve our performance as leaders, we are to benefit personal and / or our organization.

While there for those "administration" and "leadership" are synonymous, make a distinction between the two terms. Par real effects can be leaders of groups not organized at all, while there may be only managers, as we conceive them here in terms of structures organized generating functions. (Perren, 2001)

Distinguish between leadership and management offers significant analytical advantages. Singling out the leadership allows for study without the burden of requirements relating to the subject, more generally, of the administration. Leadership is an important aspect of management.

The ability to exercise effective leadership is one of the keys to being an administrator effective, likewise, the full exercise of the other elements of the administration (the completion of administrative work with all that it entails) has important implications for certainty that an administrator will be an effective leader, managers must perform all the functions that correspond to their role in order to combine resources, human and materials in meeting objectives. (Katzenbach, 1994)

The key to achieving this is the existence of clear roles and a certain degree of discretion or authority in support of the actions of managers.

The essence of leadership is followers. In other words, what makes a person a leader is the willingness of people to follow? In addition, people tend to follow those who offer ways to satisfy their wants and needs. (Higgs, 2003)

Leadership and motivation are closely interrelated. If you understand the motivation, will appreciate better what people want and the reason for their actions.


Definition of Leadership

According to the Dictionary of Language Spanish (1986), leadership is defined as the direction, leadership or leadership of a political party, a group social or other community. The Dictionary of Science of Behaviour (1956) defines it as the "qualities of personality and ability to promote the guidance and control of other individuals.” (Hooper, 1997)

Other definitions include: - "Leadership is an interpersonal influence attempts, led through the process of communication, to the achievement of one or more goals ".”There are almost as many definitions of leadership as people who have tried to define ...
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