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Research Papers on Law

Law relates to issues which may occur within or outside a state and the provision of unbiased justice to all. The field is a complex one which needs to be understood on basis of a number of analytical tools and discussions. Researchomatic provides a range of law research papers which address different legal interactions. These research papers give narrative accounts on the application of different laws in different settings.

Zero-Tolerance Policing Strategy
Zero-Tolerance Policing Strategy Introduction Zero-tolerance policing (ZTP) is a controversial policing strategy that has taken several forms over time and has been implemented in a variety of institutional settings. There are disagreements regarding the historical origin and the theoretical basis for ZTP. It is related to other similar policies designated by other ...
Introduction In the United States, various cases of police brutality have been observed that ruins the whole system of the Police department in the country. It has been permitted by the law to use appropriate force that is needed at each level of police operations. The operations like maintaining order, keeping ...
Belka Enrichment Centre
BELKA ENRICHMENT CENTRE Belka Enrichment Centre Abstract In this paper, we will be discussing the experience and the difficulties that are faced by an immigrant in another country. Also, the paper will be based on the background and foundation of Belka Enrichment Center, which has led improvement in the immigrant community for ...
Case Study 3-1
CASE STUDY 3-1 Case Study 3-1 Case Study 3-1 Introduction In this case European Communities, United States and Canada complained regarding the discriminatory liquor laws by Japan. For a thorough analysis and the legal concreteness of this case, a joint panel was established for clarifying the facts in this order. Discussion Statement of the ...
Case Study 6-1
CASE STUDY 6-1 Case Study 6-1 Case Study 6-1 A Statement of the Relevant Facts in the Case Facts The case provided provides some facts which we will discuss in this section of the paper. Republic of Argentina was sued for breaching the contract with Weltover, Inc. et al. The case includes a Swiss ...
Position Paper
POSITION PAPER Position Paper Abstract This paper will provide information on efforts by the Government of U.S. in order to prevent the use of substance abuse. The paper will present the arguments based on tax spending on the control of substance abuse and increasing the use of Diversion programs. The argument presented ...
POLICE Analyze The Forms And Functions Of Police Analyze The Forms And Functions Of Police Introduction A police agency can be defined as a system of public services and agencies for the protection of public order. It provides a wide range of functions, which are set, varies in different countries. The most characteristic ...
Bullying Introduction Every day, thousands of teens wake up scared to go to school. Bullying is a problem that affects students of all races and classes, and a concern for many, not only for those who are victims of it, but because parents, teachers and other adults are not always able to ...
Substance Abuse And Crime
SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND CRIME Substance Abuse and Crime Outline Introduction Discussion Cognitive Aspects of Substance Abusers Costly Social Behavior Attribution and Attributional Biases Frustration and Aggression as a Cognitive Aspect leading to Crime Environmental factors Affecting Cognition of Substance abusers Attitudes and Behaviors of Substance Abusers Impulsivity Anti-Social Behavior Attitudes of Substance Abusers Psychological Theories for Criminal Behavior Yochelson and Samenow's Criminal Personality Rational Choice ...
Mental And Substance Abuse
MENTAL AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE The Effects of Mental Abuse and Substance Abuse on Criminals Abstract Numerous criminals escape the prison term through insanity plea, even though they do not have a mental illness history. They claim to have an impact of mental or substance abuse, which has led them to commit a crime. ...
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