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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

Employment Law
EMPLOYMENT LAW Employment Law Employment Law Referring to the scenario Charlie should know that being the employer of the chocolate factory there are a number of legal formalities to be met. In scenario 1 a) Dave worked on a appliance which combines the chocolate. The machine had a guard on it but ...
Law Case
Law Case Law Case Austrian citizens and foreigners need a visa to enter Australia. The granting of visas is usually done electronically via the so called Electronic Travel Authority (ETA). A corresponding entry in the passport is not necessary. The ETA is valid from the date of issue to twelve ...
Corporate Ethical Dilemma And Recommendation
Corporate Ethical Dilemma and Recommendation [Instructor name] [Course name] Corporate Ethical Dilemma and Recommendation Introduction The case at hand is that of a company which has an information systems division. Recently, the company had put the system to use. However, the CEO got negative feedback regarding the new system and wants a justification. However, the ...
Law-Criminology Law-Criminology Role of a Senator or Congressional Representative The top three areas in which I would recommend for fund are: Juvenile Offenders: Youth Crime Considering the patterns of crime prevalent in the United States, it have become much more visible that youth has been identified as the segment which is most prone to committing ...
Mediation In Conflict Analyses
Mediation in Conflict Analyses Mediation in Conflict Analyses Introduction Mediation is a practice or discipline that aims to define the intervention of a third party to facilitate the flow of information. The third person or party is called the mediator. The definition of this activity varies in different contexts of application. ...
Case Brief
Case Brief Case Brief I. Case Name and Citation John C.Grimberg Company, Inc., Plaintiff, v The United States No 88-138.869 F.2.d 1475 United States Court Appeals, Federal Circuit. March 15, 1989. II. Key Facts On December 9, 1983, the United States Navy issued a request for proposals on building work at the Bethesda, Maryland ...
Contract Law
CONTRACT LAW Contract Law Contract Law Introduction There are practical reasons for distinguishing between tort and contract when deciding how a claim is to be made. The remedy for breach of duty in tort is usually a claim for damages, though equitable remedies are also available in appropriate cases. The main aim of tort ...
Aspects Of Contract And Negligence For Business
ASPECTS OF CONTRACT AND NEGLIGENCE FOR BUSINESS Aspects of contract and Negligence for Business Aspects of contract and Negligence for Business Task 1 Valid Contract Contract is known as the promise or the set of promises which are enforced by the law. For a valid contract there should be two or more ...
Human Rights Act
HUMAN RIGHTS ACT Human Rights Act 1998 Human Rights Act 1998 Introduction Law and defined rules are important to defend the population against illegal and unfair acts. UK has no written constitution and people of UK are free to perform those activities which are not forbidden by the law. In 1998, European Parliament ...
Case Studies
Case Studies [Date of Submission] Title: Edwards v. South Carolina, 372 U.S. 229 (1963) Facts: 187 Negro Students went for a peaceful protest at site of State Government in Columbia at South Carolina, on the 2nd of March, 1961. There they all marched divided in groups numbering to approximately 15 students, they marched ...
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