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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

Patient Care Issues
PATIENT CARE ISSUES Impact of the Law on Patient Care Issues Impact of the Law on Patient Care Issues: Informed Consent What type of role should nurses have securing informed consent? Obtaining informed consent for health-care or research participation is intended to safeguard the autonomy of the individual and to ensure that ...
Haqqani Network: A Thorn To U.S. Policy
Haqqani Network: A Thorn to U.S. Policy Haqqani Network: A Thorn to U.S. Policy Introduction Haqqani Network tends to extract its roots from the era of soviet aggression in Afghanistan, initially supported by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI). Haqqani Network stands to be founded by Maulvi Jallaluddin Haqqani, ...
Classifying Crimes
CLASSIFYING CRIMES Project: Classifying Crimes Project: Classifying Crimes Introduction When most people think of crime, they think of urban crime. In particular, they think of urban street crime committed by strangers, young toughs brandishing a knife or a gun. Crime in rural areas is not what most people think of when they think ...
Law Of Tort
LAW OF TORT Law of Tort Law of Tort Introduction A tort is breach of civil duty that is to be accounted for by the one who commits the tortious act. According to common law jurisdictions, tort is wrong. The person who commits a tort is a tortfeasor. The victim of a tort ...
Eu Law
EU LAW EU Law Van Gend En Loos EU Law Van Gend En Loos Introduction The ruling of 5 February 1963 in the case of van Gend & Loos against Dutch Tax Administration (or simply Van Gend en Loos, Case 26/62 by the Court of Justice (or ECJ) is one of the bases of ...
Banking Law
BANKING LAW Banking Law Banking Law Introduction This paper discusses and analyzes the statement provided by the Mr. Justice Salmon. The statement will be analyzed with reference to case law, judicial decisions and academic literature. The first part of the paper will briefly state the case in which this statement was used. ...
Environmental Impact Assessment
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment Introduction Environmental Impact Assessment is carried by the city officials to know what activities are having a negative impact on the environment and what activities are good for the environment. This assessment is carried sector by sector so that the impact of every sector on ...
Retributivist System
RETRIBUTIVIST SYSTEM Retributivist Sentencing System Retributivist Sentencing System Introduction Retributive justice or retribution is a theory of justice , and more specifically a theory of punishment - which maintains that proportionate punishment is a morally acceptable response to the lack or crime, whether or not this punishment produce tangible benefits. In ethics and ...
Uk Taxation System
UK TAXATION SYSTEM UK Taxation System UK Taxation System Tax A tax is a payment made to the government by an individual who has earned certain amount during a year. Income tax is a most important basis of income to the government. In other words it is an amount charged by ...
Contract Law
CONTRACT LAW Contract Law Contract Law Introduction The main purpose of this paper is to make an overview on the significance of common aw to the construction industry. The paper makes an analysis on the methods of alternative dispute resolution and the industrial tribunal process. The paper also makes an analysis on ...
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