Classifying Crimes

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Project: Classifying Crimes

Project: Classifying Crimes


When most people think of crime, they think of urban crime. In particular, they think of urban street crime committed by strangers, young toughs brandishing a knife or a gun. Crime in rural areas is not what most people think of when they think of crime, but understanding crime is important for several reasons. There are three parts in this paper which got taken into consideration while discussing the two types of crimes. First, we'll look into the two types of crime that will get discussed. Then we'll look upon the common laws that the offence has, and then we look into the elements associated with both the crimes. However, the two crimes that paper discusses are white collar crimes and sex crimes.

Sex Crimes

The societies we live in have different behaviors reflected from man and woman. However, they get transmitted in fainter children in one part female. Hence, this is the reason that many girls are the silent victims of sexual abuse without getting compelled by violence, and remain silent, long years, blaming themselves for their condition, it does not fall within their schemes as an adult her father even be able to do something "bad." Shame, remorse and conviction that only they were afraid these things happen and do not dare tell anyone suffering sexual abuse for fear of getting punished. This traumatizes the child throughout his life (Smallbone, 2006).

Moreover, molesting a child gets considered as a crime against sexual freedom.

Apparently children are even more reluctant than girls to talk about their experiences, because they think that if you come to light would destroy their image of men, as their role of the victim is not at all a masculine attribute. Women are also sinful, commit sexual abuse but are less cyclic and less violent behavior is, so it is more difficult to discover. Children have no chance to defend themselves, and in other cases resistance gets annihilated (Smallbone, 2006).

However, there is also sexual violation, which invades the, body of another person by force. Almost always committed by famines in which the victim cannot escape, throughout history women have typically been the victim of sexual crime and the man his executioner. In the context of marriage, the sexual subjugation by force has not been considered a crime of rape a few years ago and only in few countries. Another ...
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