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Assignment on Law

Law finds immense application in our lives and is hardly limited to any single domain. Writing a law assignment is therefore a hefty task given the broad expanse and scope of the field. This section of Researchomatic has been specifically designed for students and researchers to shed light on the common law practices, legal careers, and legal designs and most importantly on different case notes.

Business Law
Business Law Business Law The concept of a collateral contract has basically been subject to evolution since introduction. However, in comparison to the other jurisdiction, the collateral contract has been in application in a restricted manner in Australia. This paper will discuss the concept maintained in the collateral contract, the argument ...
Passive And Interactive Technology
Passive and Interactive Technology Passive and Interactive Technology Humphreys, L. (2011). Who's Watching Whom? A Study of Interactive Technology and Surveillance.Journal Of Communication, 61(4), 575-595., retrieved from: doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2011.01570.x This paper explores the issue of surveillance and privacy with the innovative interactive technologies. The study is base on the extended field and projects that ...
Gun Control
GUN CONTROL Gun Control in United States Abstract This paper aims at discussing the various aspects related to the issue of gun control in the Unites States. The paper traces the history of administrative and legislative efforts aimed at achieving the objective of gun control and regulation in the country, while discussing strengths ...
Case Study Involving Addiction
Case Study Involving Addiction Case Study Involving Addiction Introduction The following paper is basically based on two different but interrelated social aspects. One is the early and middle adulthood and the other is the addiction to drugs during that adulthood. The paper is covering the different aspects of the adulthood like social, psychological, ...
BEHAVIOR Scenario of behavior Scenario of Behavior Introduction This assignment is based on a scenario of behavior and belongs to the course of law-legal issues. The aim of this scenario is to find out that who is responsible for illicit act being performed by youth, whether it is our society that compels the person ...
Terrorism Terrorism Introduction The term terrorism can be extenuated in number of ways because there is no particular legal definition to describe it. However, it can be defined as the use of violence or threats to inculcate fear with the intention of pursuing personal goals (Deen, 2005). Terrorism is basically an evil ...
My Experience With Business Law
My Experience with Business Law My Experience with Business Law Although I was casually aware with the nature of the knowledge the study of Business Law offers. However, I never gave much thought to the practical application of these studies and the way it benefits individuals. Hence, the course taught ...
Int'L Issues And Discrimination
Int'l Issues and Discrimination Int'l Issues and Discrimination Introduction Generally trade or commerce is regulated on a national basis by the Uniform Commercial Code. In last two decades, it has been observed that the rapid progress of computer and technology has enhanced the growth of international financial markets, financial instruments, foreign exchange ...
Llb Equity Coursework
LLB EQUITY COURSEWORK LLB Equity Coursework LLB Equity Coursework The following paper shall be observing the case of Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd V Tan Issue A lawsuit was filed against the director of the company's principal as well as the shareholder stating that he was responsible for knowledgeably assisting on the ...
Law Legal Issues
Law Legal Issues Law Legal Issues Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 Congress amended Title VII in 1964, the Civil Rights Act, enacted laws on discrimination based on pregnancy (PDA) in 1978. This act essentially made it clear that all the organizations are required to treat pregnant workers and non-pregnant workers equally. Consequentially, pregnant ...
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