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Scenario of behavior

Scenario of Behavior


This assignment is based on a scenario of behavior and belongs to the course of law-legal issues. The aim of this scenario is to find out that who is responsible for illicit act being performed by youth, whether it is our society that compels the person to attempt a crime, or an individual who should be blamed for his own act? The following are the questions where it's been discussed in detail under the shadow of some theories being proposed by sociologists.


Question # 1

Do you think James learned his behavior from his father? Explain your reasoning.


Behavior is a response of an individual to his/her surroundings. A learned behavior is the one which a person learns by observing it, unlike innate behavior. It is influenced by two factors; environment and individual.

In my opinion, James behavior falls under the first category that is he got influenced by an environment: family and friends, financial and social suffering and his father couldn't be blame solely for James act. Though, one can accept that his deviant behavior could be an outcome of family pressure and violence. And out of that depression, he could have even started drinking alcohol and acted same as his father used to; in that case, it would have been assumed as a learned behavior from his father.

The second reason that I think James didn't learn this behavior from his father because his father was a drinker, not a burglar. The reason for James imprisonment was due to burglary in his neighborhood homes and garages. So, he is just trying to blame his father and family so that he could get easily escape from his mother's scolding. He should show some sense of responsibility.

Question # 2

Could there have been other contributing factors that would have an effect on the problem? Explain?


Main cause:

As per the scenario, the delinquent James mentions that his criminal act was due to parental antisocial behavior including substance abuse and violence. According to substance abuse theory, drugs and alcohol are the main cause of family violence which eventually supports James statement.

Contributing factors:

The followings could be a number of factors contributing to deviate a person from social norms and an ethical behavior, thereby bringing an upward trend in the youth-adult crime:


It is, however, being mentioned in many researches that family and parenting has a major impact on youth crime activities. Some may include: children being neglected, lack of affection from parents, low-income family and lack of positive male role models that of a father.

Poverty - there's nothing to lose

James is a construction worker so it is quite evident that he belongs to a poor family. As he is financially weak so he was left with unrealized hopes and dreams and in order to satisfy his desires and wants, he must have chosen to use unlawful mean and got imprisoned for executing burglary.

Social factors

The societal pressure of being projected as a failure throughout his/her life and peer pressure like friend circles in the surroundings influences a person in ...
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