Johnson & Johnson

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Johnson & Johnson

Introduction/ Company Overview5


Business Description and Business Segments6

Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain Management7


Suppliers Standards8

Supplier Diversity8


Release Area9

Production/ Manufacturing9








Information System12

Johnsons & Johnsons Supply Chain Strategies12

Suppliers and Countries12


Purchasing power15

New Holistic Model15

Enabling Performance Today15

Nurturing Growth for Tomorrow16

Supply Chain Immunology16


Johnson & Johnson

Introduction/ Company Overview

Johnson & Johnson is an American Multinational Company. Its production areas are the ranges of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and consumer healthcare goods. Johnson & Johnson's first product was produced in 1886 and was incorporated in 1886.

Johnsons & Johnsons is ranked as the world's most respected company. This company was once awarded the Benjamin Franklin Award for Public Diplomacy by US State department for their funding strategies in international education programs. Its head quarter is located in New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States. They have consumer division located in Skillman, New Jersey. In the year 2011, they had sales of 65 billion dollars in their pharmaceutical area. Their brands include medications, first-aid products and other household items. In the area of their well known consumer products, they have brand line of bandages, Tylenol medications. Their beauty products include facial wash Clean & Clear, Neutrogena etc (Maya Hu-Chan, Global Leadership Associates, 2007).


Business Description and Business Segments

Johnsons & Johnson have approximately 119,200 employees across the globe. They have 50000 employees working in United States alone. According to the report of Johnson & Johnson, their sales soared up to 41.9 billion dollars in 2003. These figures include three segments of the company. These segments include; consumer, diagnostics and pharmaceutical and medical devices. Their employees are engaged in manufacturing, sales and research and development in the field of health care. They run their business in virtually all the countries of the world. Their primary focus is towards the products related to human health and their well being. The company is organized by division into three business segments. These segments include consumer, medical devices and diagnostics and pharmaceuticals. Their segments of consumers include a wider range of products. This range includes oral care, baby care, skin care, wound care and other women's health care fields. They have segments for nutritional and variety of ranges in pharmaceuticals. Their pharmaceutical segment include the products of therapeutic areas, which include gastrointestinal, contraceptive, antipsychotic, anti-infective, oncology, virology, urology, hematology, pain management, neurology, cardiovascular, immunology and dermatology. They market their products directly to the general public. They sell products to wholesalers as well as to independent retailers. Their range of medical devices and diagnostics include a wider range of products which are professionally used by nurses, therapists, physicians, laboratories, clinics and hospitals. Company's overall structure is based upon the decentralized management process. Their principal management group is an Executive Committee. This committee is responsible for operations and resource allocation of the organization. This committee is responsible for managing and coordinating the activities of Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices and Diagnostics and consumer healthcare products. Subsidiaries in business segments are managed by the citizens of the country where they are situated. The organization as a whole competes in its vast line of products in small ...
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