Joe Salatino, President Of Great Northern American

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Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American

Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American

Answer 1:

Perception is considered to be the mental image of the world which an individual makes in its own mind. In addition to that, it could be anything involving the personal point of view of the individual. There are two key elements to perception (Bierhoff, H.-W. 2012). These chief notions are known as attention and organization. It is extremely important for the sales people to be able to develop an understanding of the significance of perception and how the people make them. This could be done by bring attentive and organized in our thoughts, giving priority to the primary concern and keeping the rest in the mind as well. If a sales person is able to understand how its customers develop perception, then it is more likely to be able to attract the customer by complimenting that perception. It is considered by Salatino that the employees who had been able to develop a better understanding with their customers had been more successful and have earned the highest incomes through all these years.

It is highly important to note that if a sales person is able to develop an understanding of how its customer develops a perception and could speculate the perceptions of the customer depending on its nature or other attributes, and then it is more likely to construct a fruitful relationship with its customers (Bierhoff, H.-W. 2012). In addition to that, the customer would also feel that the salesperson understand it and is very likely to get impressed. It is generally known that if you are able to understand the people, depending on their type and other things, then it becomes very easy to develop a good relation with these people as you may be able to please them and in accordance with the way they talk or they prefer. Attribution on the other hand would aid a sales person in understanding attributes of their customers. In doing so, it would be able to capitalize on their conversation and accordingly praise their attributes and skills.

It is very important for the sale people to be able to understand these two things as they could be considered as essential in these in order to develop a long term relationship with the customers. In addition to that, the sales person would get to know how their customer would react to different things. A plan could be developed in targeting the customer accordingly in order to make a sale, not just in the short term but also in the long term.

Answer 2:

I personally think that in such a business, operant conditioning theory of Skinner would be most beneficial for Joe to implement. An operant conditioning theory aims at modifying the behavior of the employees. This is done with the use of negative as well as positive reinforcements (Schermerhorn, J. R. 2011). For a sales job, especially considering the telesales job, it is highly important to note that immediate actions need ...
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