Joe Salatino, President Of Great Northern American - Case Study

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Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American - Case Study

Joe Salatino, President of Great Northern American - Case Study

Discuss why Joe's employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions.

The world is changing and changing rapidly ,therefore, in order to extract the competitive advantage over the others it is important that the employees tends to understand the whole process of forming image and associations. Moreover, it is the perception of the people which ultimately tends to reflect on the financial elements of the company. It also allows the employees to understand the notion that the change in the thought process will change the human's thinking process. Thus, the behavior of the individual tends to depend upon how an individual tends to form perceptions. It is the perception of the individual that will help the individual to formulate his or her opinion about the image of the brand and the way brand should be handled instead. It is also important for the employees of the Joe to decipher how people think, behave which ultimately leads to forming of the perception and attributions in order to attack those forces which tends to effect the decision making of an individual.

It will also equip the employees of the Joe to predict responses of the consumers so that they are ready to face any challenge posed to them (Linnenbrink, 2003). These responses are produced by the associations repeated in some function or pattern of psychological behavior to a stimulus or unrelated event. However, in this discipline the social norms tend to be the perfect example. In societies where the work are barred from working or the women are meant to be focused solely on the domestic work. Thus, when those women tends to work, they society tends to label the women under certain stereotypes. Those stereotypes are not because of the natural response but they male counterparts of the women or even the female counterparts of the women are trained to do so. Moreover, it will also help Joe to predict the trends which the consumers are likely to follow in the future. This leads us to decipher the future thinking of an individual, as the term 'Future Thinking' applies to the way human mind acts by keeping the future in mind or in other words the effect a decision would have in the future. Future Thinking tends to depend upon the fact that human behave be looking in the times ahead of them. For example an individual; who opts for engineering subjects in his or her school or college tends to do so base on the dream that he or she wants to become the engineer

Evaluate which learning theory (either operant conditioning, social learning theory, or the learning theory you researched in Week 3) would be most appropriate for Joe to apply in this situation and explain why?

In the light of the circumstances it would be safe to state that the theory which is more likely to settle things ...
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