Joe Salatino

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Joe Salatino: Case Study

Joe Salatino: Case Study

Q) Discuss how Joe could address the importance of understanding how people form perceptions and make attributions about others with his employees?

Joe Saltino uses positive psychology because it can lead to living a more productive and happy life. Understanding how to foster the development of self-efficacy is a vitally important goal. He makes sure to screen potential employees who can recognize their own strengths and are highly self-motivated. This makes for a successful team.

If I were Joe Saltino I would use the same techniques if I wanted to grow a productive business. People will be more inclined to take on a task if they believe they can succeed. People generally avoid tasks where their self-efficacy is low, but will engage in tasks where their self-efficacy is high.

Self-efficacy is the individual's estimate of his or her own ability to perform a specific task in a particular solution. The greater the employee's perceived ability to perform the task, the higher the employee's self-efficacy. Self-efficacy has been described as the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals (Vroom, 2004). It is a belief that one has the capabilities to execute the courses of actions required to manage prospective situations.

People with a self-efficacy significantly beyond their actual ability often overestimate their ability to complete tasks, which can lead to difficulties. On the other hand, people with a self-efficacy significantly lower than their ability are unlikely to grow and expand their skills. Research shows that the 'optimum' level of self-efficacy is a little above ability, which encourages people to tackle challenging tasks and gain valuable experience.

People with a self-efficacy significantly beyond their actual ability often overestimate their ability to complete tasks, which can lead to difficulties. On the other hand, people with a self-efficacy significantly lower than their ability are unlikely to grow and expand their skills. Research shows that the 'optimum' level of self-efficacy is a little above ability, which encourages people to tackle challenging tasks and gain valuable experience (Villanova, 2003).

Q) Evaluate which learning theory would be most appropriate for Joe to apply in this situation and explain why?

Social learning theory would best fit in the case of Joe because it seems Joe is bored with his career. Maybe positive reinforcement is needed. Before there could be positive reinforcements, the manager and employee should set goals. If Joe's negative behaviors continue, she should be reprimanded. As a manager, I think telling Joan the good things she does can go a long way, maybe even get her back on the right track.

Social learning theory is an integration of differential association and behavioral learning theories. It wholly subsumes differential association theory by recasting it in the context of behavioral learning principles.

In differential association theory, Sutherland drew upon symbolic interactionism to emphasize that both criminal and law-abiding behavior are learned in interaction with others. Sutherland acknowledged that in American society, one is likely to associate, to varying degrees, with individuals who ...
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