Jefferies & Company Inc

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Jefferies & Company Inc

Jefferies & Company Inc


The main purpose of this paper is to select and organisation and discusses the experience in that company. The paper makes discussion on the business model of the organisation, and the challenges and opportunities in the new online business. The selected company is Jefferies & Company Inc. Jefferies is securities and investment banking firm having its operations almost around the globe. The company is serving its facilities and functions since around 50 years (Chiou, 2003, p. 50). The headquarter of the company is in New York, and it is operating in almost 30 cities, in the world. The main services of the company are asset management, institutional brokerage, and financial advisory services and securities research. The firm also provides the research services to different investors. The company is also busy in providing the services of merger and acquisitions, financial advisory services and restructuring services.


I had been working as a marketing manager in Jefferies and Company Inc. The company had renovated its business model and started its online business. Online business is expanding throughout the world. Almost all companies are going online. Online business is now considered as the most profitable and approachable way through which companies can attract a number of customers. Many companies are using the online business as a tool to attract different customers. Now days the number of people using the computer technology is increasing day by day (Pavlou, 2002, p. 243). According to the statistics, almost every one person in ten is a regular user of the internet. Therefore, it was a very good strategy for Jefferies through which it can capture a huge number of potential customers for the company. In order to start its business in online market, Jefferies has developed a business model, in which it included the different strategies that can help the company in getting success in the online business.

Analysis of Jefferies Business Model

The main purpose of making the Jefferies business model was to develop and maintain online business trading. This model helps the buyers to come on the website and look for whatever product they want to purchase. This model also helps the sellers to register the items and want to sale. The following are some key elements of Jeffries's business model which are considered to be the key performance indicators:

Jefferies has a huge mass of customers like the buyers, sellers and others.

The environment of Jefferies is very competitive and entertaining and had the strong rules and policies that help both buyers and sellers.

The trading, which is of low cost and easily affordable and easy to use

The feeling of being valued by the customers

A website has been created by Jefferies which has the unique features of giving access to the auctions and retails to the customers. This is a unique service provided by Jefferies which the other customers do not have (Biswas, 2004, p. 30). This site is comprised of different features that attract the ...
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