Hospitality Law

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Hospitality Law

Hospitality Law


The main purpose of this paper is to go through the chapters and link them with hospitality laws. The main topics of these chapters are “the responsibility as a hospitality operator”, “the responsibility as a hospitality operator as a guest” and “managing insurance paper”. These chapters have been taken from the book of Stephen Barth named Hospitality in Law Managing Legal Issues, In the Hospital Industry.

Chapter 9: The Responsibility as a Hospitality Operator

This chapter talks about the duties of a hospital operator, and its main focus is on the law of duties of care. Mainly, there are two purposes of duties of care concept. The first purpose gives a description of the different situations which could be related to the occurrence of liabilities. It's been a long time in the origination of the laws about the relationships of one person owing the duty of some other person (Johnson, 2008). There was some lacking in this law, and these lacking were related to the cases having involvement of tort in it.

The second purpose of the concept of duties of care is a limitation that sets the boundaries in which a person can take the liability of another that arises as a result of careless behavior.

It has been noticed that the law of negligence was not enough to make everyone responsible for the harm caused to some other person, even when the one individual has some relationship with the injury or loss to another. The meaning of the concept of duty f care with respect to hospitality law is that a person should not be indulged in acts that can create some harm to the other person or can directly or indirectly create harm for that person (Jefferies, 2000). This act says that your neighbors or any other person should not bring complain about getting injured and harmed of your acts.

It means that in the hospitality industry, the hotel manager should serve all clients and customers without making any discrimination and without hurting them in any way. A hotel manager owes a duty of care to his clients, regardless of his age. The managers of the hospitality industry have the duty of care, to employees and contractors to facilitate them with the best and safest working environment and to clients and customers to provide them the best facilities and a peaceful and safe environment (Dillon, 2000). The hospital manager is responsible to make informed decisions regarding the Cash in transit procedures, and he is also responsible to deal with the risks that can be involved with cash in transit operations and he is responsible to manage these risks.

A hospitality manager cannot be involved in such acts that can harm the emotions of any person, and he cannot be involved in the physical damages of the products. He cannot be involved in such acts against which he could be involved in some legal actions. In case he gets involved in such acts, he receives the demand letter which means that he ...
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