Nursing And Nutrition

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Nursing and Nutrition

Table of Contents



Nurses and Nutrition4

Nutrition - Obligation of Nurses5

Nutritional Requirements6

Nutritional Caring7

Meals and Nursing Practice8

Nutritional Assessment - A Pre-requisite for Nurses9

Methods used in Nutritional Assessment10

Nutritional Guidelines11


Nursing and Nutrition


Health is wealth is a commonly used phrase which has diverse implications and explanations. It is the quality of life; it is fundamental to human functioning and requires independence and interdependence. Promoting health is more important than caring for the sick. The health system includes all persons and all government and private organizations and institutions devoted to promoting and preserving health, and preventing and treating diseases and injuries. It also includes all the provisions dealing with the relationship between health insurance, insurance, service providers and other involved groups. An active man can struggle more to earn and hence can earn more while an unhealthy man due to his poor health conditions cannot put in more effort and hard work to earn a suitable amount and so lack a good earning life. In today's fast moving world there is an absolute need to avoid any health disease.


High quality Service Delivery is one of the most important aspects of Health Care. Health Care Sector is meaningless without appropriate service to the patient and clients. Private Hospitals and Clinics play a significant role in providing services to patients. They offer essential services to the patients worldwide (Jefferies, 317-330). In this case, the role of private Hospitals and clinics is very important as they provide high quality service to patients with acute care. On the other hand, these entities are run solely by nurses in the context of care and nutrition (Bachanan, 105).

It is a common observation throughout the history and across the world that being a nurse means something special, i.e. it puts additional accountabilities on a person. Fundamentally, the reason for the existence of nurses is to provide relief from suffering and pain and to restore patient's health. For this purpose, most of the time, people allow nurses touch, see and examine their entire bodies, even the most secret parts. The prime reason why people do so is their utter faith in the nurses that they will act in a way which will be beneficial for them. Nursing is one of the most important departments in a medical institutions and a health care organization. It plays a significant role in rendering health improvement and betterment services for the patients. These days, the profession of nursing has improved a great deal due to the introduction of modern technology and advanced services (Jefferies, 317-330). Latest equipments and new medicines have provided cure and care services for the extremely ill people as well (Chalupka, 59). The nurse has the sole role is to help sick or healthy individuals, it acts as a member of health team has expertise in both biology and sociology, can evaluate the basic human needs. The person must maintain its balance physiological and emotional, body and mind are inseparable, need help to achieve independence. The intervention of the nurse lies in providing specific ...
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