Issues From Media Source

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Issues from Media Source

Issues from Media Source

The role of media in the world of today has increased a lot. The responsibility of media to share accurate and timely information with the spread of values, and that is why the role of social media: the Internet, prints, television, and radio as part of its contribution to the formation of society should be to renew the culture and educate and inform society well. There are many resources and groups that manipulate information because they realize the power that the media have to influence the consciousness of people, and that is why the media have a moral responsibility to disseminate information with a sense of ethics for profit training of children, youth and society, since the means are precisely those that influence the individual's consciousness, make up the mind and shaping the vision of the world. The paper will discuss two different wars depicting the power of media and its role towards betterment.

Egypt Revolution

Egypt Revolution is a true depiction of the power of media and united voice that brought about a positive change with the help of social media that attracted global attention towards the issue and exerted severe pressure towards the government.

Egypt went through a revolution that began on 25th January 2011. People from variety of professions and socio-economic background demanded government to go. The protest was in actual intended to be the peaceful one but because of the clashes in security forces and the protestors, there were deaths and injuries. The protest was in Cairo, Alexandria, and in some other cities of Egypt as well (Tarek, 26-34). After a long wait, the people got what they wanted on 11th February, 2011 when Mubarak resigned. The agenda of the protests includes legal, political issues and economic issues; lack of free elections, freedom of speech, corruption at every level, high unemployment in addition to under employment, high prices on basic necessities of life and low wages. The strikes from labour unions played a great role in putting up the pressure on government. The students which were in different professional studies like law and administrations played a great part in the protest. They demanded what was their right and the result they wanted is achieved. The conditions of the country were demanding the revolution as everything was a disaster by government (Rashed et al, 22-27). The city of Cairo was depicted as a war zone and the port area Suez was the major region of violent clashes. Different social Medias like Facebook and twitter were there for mass demonstration which made government to shut it down as it was capturing a big flow of people and the news was travelling immediately throughout the world. Violence scattered there very quickly as the supporters of Mubarak met the protestors and several casualties occurred.

The revolution which took place in Egypt did not end with the resignation of Mubarak but it brings a great deal of revolution in the minds of the people suffering from any suppression ...
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