STASTISTICAL PROBLEMS Statistical Problems Statistical Problems10.51 An experiment has five groups and seven values ineach group.a. How many degrees of freedom are there in determiningthe among-group variation?Since there are total five groups, therefore, among-group variation will be calculated using following formula.Among-Group Variation = n-1N =5Among-Group Variation = 5-1Among-Group Variation = 4Degrees of freedom for the among-group variation is 4.10.55 Consider an experiment with four groups, with eightvalues in each. For the ANOVA summary table below, fill inall the missing results:MeanDegrees ofSum ofSquareSourceFreedomSquares(Variance)FAmongc - 1 = ?SSA = ?MSA = 80FSTAT = ?groupsWithinn - c = ?SSW = 560MSW = ?groupsTotaln - 1 = ?SST = ?MeanDegrees ofSum ofSquareSourceFreedomSquares(Variance)FAmong432080.0035.71groupsWithin25562.24groupsTotal2937610.57 The Computer Anxiety Rating Scale (CARS) measuresan individual's level of computer anxiety, on a scalefrom 20 (no anxiety) to 100 (highest level of anxiety).Researchers at Miami University administered CARS to 172business students. One of the objectives of the study was todetermine whether there are differences in the amount ofcomputer anxiety experienced by students with differentmajors. They found the following:Degree ofSum ofMean ofSource FreedomSquaresquaresFAmount major 53,172Within Major16621,246Total17724,418Major n MeanMarketing1944.37Management1143.18Other 1442.21Finance4541.8Accountancy3637.36MIS4732.21a. Complete the ANOVA summary table.Degree ofSum ofMean ofSource FreedomSquaresquaresFAmount major 53,172634.404.96Within Major16621,246127.99Total17724,418b. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence of adifference in the mean computer anxiety experienced bydifferent majors?Using F-value calculatorDf5Df166Alpha 0.05F-value tab2.27F-value calculated4.96Since F-calculated is greater than the F-tabulated critical region; therefore, we reject the null hypothesis.This shows that there is a significant difference in the mean computer anxiety experienced by different majors.11.25 Where people turn to for news is different for variousage groups. A study indicated where different agegroups primarily get their news: AGE GROUP MEDIA Under 36 36 -50 50 +Local TV107119133National TV73102127Radio7597109Local Newapaper5279107Internet959376At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence of a significantrelationship between the age group and where peopleprimarily get their news? If so, explain the relationship.12.1 Fitting a straight line to a set of data yields the followingprediction line: yi = 2 + 5Xia. Interpret the meaning of the Y intercept, b0In the above presented equation b0= 2. This shows that when value of x will be zero, Y will bet at level of 2 units.This shows that minimum consideration of change begins from the level of 2.b-Interpret the meaning of the slope, b1In the above presented case, slope (B1) = 5. This shows that for every unit change in the x-value, value of y will increase by 5 units.Positive change in Y is reported due to unit change in x, since the slope is positive in the equation.c- Interpret the value of Y if X = 3When X =3yi =2+5XiTherefore,yi =2+5(3)yi =2+(15)yi =17ReferencesHardle, A. (2007), “Applied multivariate statistical analysis”, 2nd edition. Springer Link, pp. 84-245Ott, L. (2008), An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis. 6th edition. Cengage Learning: pp. ...