Introduction To People, Organisations & Management

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Introduction to People, Organizations & Management

Introduction to People, Organizations & Management


The paper exclaims to outline and examine the module, and provide explanation about the cultural aspects of two biggest search engines, i.e. Yahoo, and Google. The main aim of the paper is to outline the information about the structuring of the organizational culture and the designs, along with the approaches of leadership and management, that how well and frequently they impose changes in their organization.

The paper aims to articulate about the two giants in the search engines i.e. Google and Yahoo. They both have attained their places in the industry of research and development by achieving the highest ranks in the search engines. These two companies make themselves to stand out of the other, because of their dedication and because of their strategic choices that makes them the leader in the search engine industry. They have set the example, and make history and told everyone that by making good strategic choices, and the strategic management, the strategies can turn out to be implemented successfully. Looking into the internal analysis of both Google, and Yahoo Inc. it actually shows that because of successful managerial decision, and those executions out of the decision, made them able to stand out, and perform in a long run (Bradford, 2000, pp. 34). The successful implementation included strategy formulation, environmental scanning, evaluation, strategy implementation and monitoring and control.

Google was able to launch many addition services for people around the world, they have started offering advertisements on their website, by ad words, and SEO's, provided special vigilance for the Black hats SEO. They provided global services of internet searching, and apart from searching it provided the hosting of applications (Werner, 2005, pp. 71-78). Google is so much indulged in the innovation strategy for the people's needs, that through the internal analysis, it can be seen easily that Google truly creates products according to the needs of the customers. They have created products and services, in terms of application which not only found creative, and informational, but it actually enabled people to find, create and organize the information. However in addition Google also catered the needs of the advertisers, by enhancing the new way to deliver the ads over the internet (Bradley, 2007, pp. 45-56). The two feature of Google, AdSense and Ad Words, which provides both the online and offline member of Google, to search and add content for their ads (Loren, 2006, p.n.d).


One of the search engine giant Google, is termed as the largest search engine which is owned by Google incorporation. Getting back to the history of Google, it was meant launched as an educational tool for students particularly of Stanford University by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Currently, Google has the capacity to search the information over the internet in 191 languages, which can be made possible through the development of 25 billion web pages all around the globe (Google Inc, 2011, ...
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