Today all companies in order to stay current, must be updated by various maneuvers in all areas, both in its internal management and the products and / or external service delivery to society. Turning ideas into products, processes or services, new or improved. To make these advances must be a method that achieves manage all the innovations taking place within the company, as these innovations must be made ??in all areas. Therefore innovation involves changes that lead to products that are better suited to market needs. Technological innovation, organizational innovation, business innovation are key. The ideas lead to innovation in technology, internal organization and configuration of resources, technical and economic.
renovations continued in the area of production should start from the beginning (input) where all components interact to give rise to the final product to the delivery of the (output), a key business innovation now is the delivery of services by companies that also deliver products or services, making it to form a strong competition between companies, emerging directly benefited the customer. But each company is able to improve one or two aspects of competitive priorities "almost impossible" to lead in all, each company improves its competitiveness in the product or service you want to deliver. For proper organization within the company is very important as decisions are made ??within it, because all these decisions made ??today can affect the future of the company, what influences these decisions are: What produce ?, how much to produce?, how to produce?, for whom to produce?. The answer to these questions is the key to competition.
Companies to respond to these questions should separate work in different areas to certify that all needs are internal or external. All these tools are used to get companies to grow and do not disappear ...