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International Management

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International Management

International Management

Part 1


This report critically discusses the concept of national culture with the particular reference to Bangladesh. It reviews the data from two models , Trompenaars Modeland Geert Hofstede to attempt to reconcile any conflicting data by considering issues of validity, age , sampling, recognizing the issues of cultural change. Notion of culture has multiple and inclusive definitions. Sometimes the description culture is applied exclusively to what is observable or recordable. An alternative conception of culture is : subjective, or implicit. As a whole Culture is a pattern of thinking, felling and acting that is learned throughout a person's life, beginning in early childhood (32: 10).


Culture is a way of life of people, it is human made, and is always changed. Culture is something that is learned, and is adapted by the people who live in the same area in a one culture system. Culture is a way of life for a population, and it is made of all different kinds of behaviors that have been learned and passed on through many generations. Culture exists among people who have the same kind of beliefs and values, institution, and technology. There are two classifications of knowledge regarding culture which a marketer should posses to cope with the problems of a different culture." The first is the factual knowledge of the culture, which usually is obvious and must be known or learned. The second is the interpretive knowledge, an ability to understand and to appreciate fully the nuances of different cultural traits and patterns. A person is either "cultured" or "uncultured." The difference between both is that a cultured person has acquired ability in a specialized field of knowledge usually in, music, art, literature, and has good manners. The social institution includes three aspects of life in a cultural environment; Social Organization, Education, and Political Structure. These aspects are "concerned with the ways in which people related to one another, organized their activities in order to live in harmony with one another, teach acceptable behavior to succeeding generations, and govern themselves." Groeschl and Doherty pointed out that culture is more complex and difficult to define. Culture consists of several elements of which some are implicit and others are explicit. Most often these elements are explained by terms such as behavior, values, norms and basic assumptions . Several recent studies have suggested that values are important category of culture (Sivakumar Nakata 2001 pp.73-78).

National Culture

Bangladesh has a rich, diverse culture. Its deeply rooted heritage is thoroughly reflected in its architecture, dance, literature, music, painting and clothing. The three primary religions of Bangladesh (Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam) have had a great influence on its culture and history. Bangalees have a rich fictional legacy, with the first available form of literature being over a thousand years old. Bengali literature developed considerably during the medieval period with the rise of popular poets such as Chandi Das, Daulat Kazi an Alaol(

The Bengali New Year celebration is popularly known as 'Poila Baisakh' (Bengali poila = first, Baisakh = the first month of the Bengali ...
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