Information System

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Information System

Information System


A statistical organization is an organization in the production and analysis of the statistics are an important part of the work. The national statistical offices and international organizations such as Eurostat and OECD (Statistics Directorate) are typical examples of statistical organizations in this regard. (Abowd, 2006, 63)

Statistical Information Systems

A statistical information system performs some typical processes, statistical processes, and deals with certain typical categories of data, statistical data. In addition, a statistical information system is associated with certain typical categories of users and purposes.

Statistical Processes

In a statistical organization processes exist for the following types of tasks:

• Collection of statistical data (micro, macro data, metadata)

• Processing of statistical data,

• Storage of statistical data,

• Recovery of statistical data,

• Analysis of statistical data,

• The dissemination of statistical data.

These processes are called statistical processes. Statistical production processes and use of statistical data. The statistical data can be micro, macro data and / or metadata.

Application Architecture and Design Process

Micro data are available on individual objects (persons, companies, events, transactions, etc.).

Objects have properties that are often expressed as values of variables of objects.

Macro data, an estimated "statistics", the values of statistical characteristics concerning sets of objects, "populations". One feature is a statistical measure that summarizes the values of a given variable in a population of objects. "The average age of people living in OECD countries is an example of a statistical nature. Some of the statistical characteristics, such as correlations, are summarized the values of more than one variable. The estimated values deviate from the true values because of imperfections (for errors and uncertainties) in the underlying observation (measurement) and referral processes. (Berard, 2003, 71)

Statistical Metadata is data that describe various aspects of quality of statistical data, for example,

• Aspects of Content, which describes the object definitions, populations, variables, etc;

• Aspects of precision, describing the different types of deviations between observed and estimated and true values of variables and statistical characteristics;

• Availability aspects describing which statistical data, where they are located and how they can access. (Henry, 2001, 17)

Systems Analysis Information Architecture System

An information system, where most processes are statistical processes in the sense indicated above, is called statistical information system (SIS).

Typically, an information system is associated with a specific purpose, e.g. to produce a product specific information, such as a certain set of data and / or report some or publication. This information system is called an information system application or an application for short.

A typical example of an application in a national statistical office information system would be associated with a statistical study conducted regularly, for example, the Labor Force Survey (LFS). Internationally, a similar example would be the information system of the OECD to produce leading economic indicators (MEI). (Kazman, 2005, 3)

In addition to the information system applications with very specific end products, information systems are more general purposes, for example, the information system associated with a database service abroad and / or internal users of statistical data produced by a statistical agency. As a matter of fact, is typical of ...
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