Information Management System

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Information Management System

Table of Contents


The Case of Glamour Beauty Clinic4


The Customer Information Management System Design5

Significant Role of Enterprise System and its Relevancies with Glamour Beauty Clinic'8

Advantages of Implementation of the System on the Beauty Clinic9

Organizational Change: Significance and Measurement9

Deciding What to be Optimized and Why10

Advantages of Implementing the System11

Brief Description of the Program12

Details of Client Base13

Contract-Price Terms14

Preparation and Reporting of Negotiations14

Sales Funnel15

Methods of Managing Complex Sales.15

Requirements for Completing the Customer Information Documents16

Defining the Specifications16

System Features18


Ease of Use by Everyone and Speed of the Application19

Continuous and Effective Follow-up to Customers20

Time Management20

Access to Information from Anywhere and at any Time21

Tasks to Achieve the Goals21

The Technologies Used and the Hardware22

The Main Modules of the System24

Components of the System.24

Information System and Decision Support25

Development Phases25

Phase 1-26

Phase 2-26

Phase 3-26

Phase 4-26

Evaluation of Existing System29

Human Resources Availability30

Formal Training30

Social Context of Change31

Risk and Cost Management with the System.32

Feasibility Study33

Strategy Implementation33

Integration with the Business Objectives34

The Barriers to Successful Implementation of the System34

Possible Solution36

Short-Term Objectives36

Long-Term Objectives37



Information Management System


Organizations are experiencing a paradigm shift in the development of their information systems: from data to processes. The aim pursued by this is emphasize business processes to achieve architectures more agile and flexible, adaptable the continuous changes that occur in markets in which organizations develop your business. The management goal is to wean business process applications, for any change in the logic Business does not affect the application code. For this purpose, they use the management systems business processes (BPMS). It is a revolution similar to that produced by isolating the management of application data, with the arrival of the databases and the relational model. The change Organizations is living a paradigm shift in the development of their information systems: from data to process. The Objective is to obtain flexible business process to and agile architectures and to be capable to face the continual Changes take place in their businesses environment (Davenport, 1993).

The purpose is making the independent business process management of software applications. To carry out this, it will be necessary goal to build business process management systems for managing the customer information, payroll, sales, and customer identification management. The primary objective is to achieve business agility and competitive advantage, being able to adapt to ongoing changes that occur in the market in which they operate. The changes always mean a modification of the processes of the organization. The company can achieve greater agility and innovation if the organizations succeeded in changing the architecture of its information systems, as the process oriented companies generally do, and extracting and managing these processes in a separate layer of applications. It would be a move similar to what occurred with the data management and the relational model. It would mean a change in the system development information. The data-oriented applications are not flexible to changes in business processes. Currently, the ultimate goal of an organization is automating the process of global business, and it is largely competitive (Davenport, 1993). Organizations are striving to increase flexibility in application development using standards to achieve ...
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