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Infection Control In Dialysis Unit

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Infection Control in dialysis unit

Infection Control in dialysis unit

Q1. Identify occupational health strategies for preventing the transmission of blood borne and other pathogens to and from healthcare workers in a dialysis unit.

The following strategies can be use to prevent the transmission of blood borne in a dialysis unit:

To prevent the health-care associated infection the surgeons should observe strict hand hygiene. Hands should be washed with antimicrobial soap or alcohol based hand run should be used before and after patient encounter.

The use of gloves should be encouraged during the dialysis process to prevent contact with patient's blood or other body fluids. This very important for the surgical staff, as recurrent scrubbing may lead to skin abrasions that increase the risk through skin exposure. Besides gloves eye masks, shoes, and gowns should also be used.

Instruments that are sharp should not leave unattended in the surgical field.

If the case of contamination is observed the sharp instruments used should not be passed hand to hand.

Surgeons should repeatedly remind its team about the safety measures that should incorporated during the procedure.

The sutures should not be tied with suture needles in the surgeon's hand. It is also advised that two surgeons should not suture the same wound simultaneously, and blunt needles should be used.

Special consideration s should be used to ensure the safe use of surgical equipments.

The surgeon should be careful not to contaminate the areas outside the surgical field with blood.

Q2. List three ways to prevent catheter infections in hemodialysis patients.

The three ways that can be used to prevent catheter infection are;

To use the prophylactic topical antimicrobial ointments at the site. The use helps to prevent and treat many primary cutaneous bacterial infections. This helps to eradicate infection from skin when applied tropically.

The use of prophylactic catheter locking solutions. This solution contains taurolidine, ...
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