Impact Of Drugs

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Impact of Drugs

Impact of Drugs


The drug trade is considered the most profitable branch of crime in the world. The profit margin varies in the area of 200% to 1200% for cocaine and heroin (Costa & De Grauwe, 2009). The amounts of money circulated in the branch are greater than the budgets of many small countries. The temptation is great. The trade of drug is a source of easy money for poor since 1996. Seen as an opportunity for social mobility and getting easy money, drug trafficking, one of the principal drivers of violence fascinates many minors. Most are from poor families and see the criminal activity the chance to help parents, and have prestige among friends.


Today, with the following nationalization of the economy and the resulting new division of labor, the picture seems complicated and cannot speak exclusively in terms of state action. These forms of control, both internationally and nationally, have materialized in increased repression by the enactment of a series of laws, decrees, regulations, resolutions, etc.., in order to criminalize and penalize certain drugs. The full understanding of the current situation of the historical reconstruction would require each of drugs to establish their various cycles of importance and regulation as well as the obvious interrelationship between them on the market at certain times. Do not forget that for his condition arises merchandise including clear competition to prevail in the global market, which has often been associated with the transformation of some substances in prohibited and permitted substances others (Roberts et al., 2010).

In other words, in legal markets, production, distribution and consumption are prohibited in themselves and the people are not penalized for participating in trade. The basic regulation seeks to ensure stability and protection distribution channels and product quality. The license to the vendor performs this function and ensures that your income tax time provides resources to continue to regulate. In contrast, legal market regulations not ensure quality control and provide tax revenues, which do not generate their own resources to continue to govern. This is one of the primary reasons that the margins are greater benefit in this case. At present, address the issue from the angle of political economy perspective requires overall and, therefore, to examine other items (Marsh et al., 2012)..

It requires, for example, analyze the meaning drugs and the reasons for its insertion into the world market, and the role played by different regions in the international division of work, where in the past century is given to the Latin American economies specialize in the task of further exploitation and export of raw material conditional on the possibility of finding markets and satisfactory prices. By a number of reasons having to do with the global economic crisis and radical changes in the division of labor and a loss of productivity differences and consequent changes in the balance of economic power in the West, and the importance of technological change, shows the floor of the production of a number of raw materials and ...
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