Human Resources Practices In Organizations

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Human Resources Practices in Organizations

Human Resources Practices in Organizations


Human Resource Management is defined as the aptitude, skills, expertise, knowledge, and talent of an individual working in an organization. It is the function of an organization, which has the ability to create diversification in the organizations environment. It is said that human resource management is a dynamic field, which has the ability to adapt the understanding patterns of the practice of human resource management and system has on the performances within the organization.

However, defining the concept in its true sense is that, Human Resource Management has the focus on its practices within the organization, which develops resources, within the organization, which in addition grew with the capability of creating competitive edge through its best human resource (Delaney, 1996).

It is said that without an effective human resource management, that organization cannot create its competitive edge, in addition to it, the organization is also deprived of achieving the ultimate goal, through its performances. However, by proper practicing the human resource management in any organization, it is very obvious that the organization will have its competitive edge through its people, with all the expertise, talents, and skill, which are needed the most to accomplish any complex task. Thus, that fact is the human resource management has the capability to contribute in the performance of the organization, and its business strategies by helping the firm to develop high performance work practices.


Methods of Performance Management

Performance management (PM) is the process of transforming, strategic corporate, objectives into action, monitoring progress, and, fruitful results. It provides both a coherent management philosophy, and a system for maintaining and enhancing the performance of employees while facilitating their professional development (Autio, 2000). Performance assessment is an extremely complex activity of human resource management. It is to make sure to enhance the performance assessments for several reasons, the first reason is to provide feedback to the employee, and to recognize, and enhance their strengths and work on their weaknesses in order to determine the increase in wage, people for promotion and legal aspects of human resources. As such, they provide a written record in order to defend against lawsuits for unfair dismissal and act as a formal warning system for marginal employees.

The role of Appraisal

Appraisals are necessary to do, these are the appreciation which can be given to those employees, who achieve their benchmark, and do work par excellence.

The purpose of Appraisal

The purpose is to appreciate the deserving employee which can be a motivating factor for them to perform with spirit and enthusiasm. However, there are many types of appraisals which are followed by different organization depending upon the performance system of that particular organization. (Dana Griffin, 2013)

Types of Appraisal

Trait-Focused Performance Appraisal

This system focuses on the features like helpfulness, punctuality, discipline, etc. Thus, the super visor or the reporting authority marks the performance of the employee on such basis and indicating specific traits of the employee. The trait-focused system centers on attributes such as helpfulness, dependability and ...
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