Human Resources Management Of Wal-Mart

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Human Resources Management of Wal-Mart


Overview of Wal-Mart1


Customer Relationship Issues2

Total Reward Programs of Wal-Mart4

Monetary Reward4

Variable Pay5

Profit Sharing5

Non-Monetary Rewards5


Job Enrichment6


Workplace Environment6



Human Resources Management of Wal-Mart


This paper contains the analysis of Human Resource Management of Wal-Mart that is the world's largest retailer of products and services. HRM is a systematic and strategic approach towards incorporating competitive workforce for the organization. For an organization, employee is the most valuable asset. To recruit and select effective workforce, the management need to incorporate an affective system that determine and evaluate that best in the interest of the organization (Zhang, 2011). The paper also discusses the current and future position of the company pertaining to the challenges it faces in the market.

Overview of Wal-Mart

. Wal-Mart operates a retail corporation that serves customers through its warehouse stores and large discount department stores. This corporation offers everything a person needs at a discounted price. Wal-Mart's business model iterates: selling low price products through immaculate inventory control channels (Pioch, 2009). The company is committed to delivering returns, leverage and growth for their shareholders, throughout their everyday low price model that makes a difference to their 10,700 retail units, all around the world. It has more than 2.2 million associates employed worldwide and sales of 443.9 billion dollars in the fiscal year of 2012 (


Being the biggest retailer of public services and goods, Wal-Mart faces numerous challenges pertaining to its success. These challenges pose great concerns as the CRM of Wal-Mart greatly suffers.

Customer Relationship Issues

Wal-Mart is facing various customer issues and receiving a spate of complaints which are having a bad impression on the image of Wal-Mart. The management of the Wal-Mart has to pay heed to the issues which are reported by the people. The customers of Wal-Mart have been complaining that they face great difficulty in finding the products which they want. If they cannot find their specific products, then the business is most likely to suffer and customer will get frustrated (Alexander, 2010).

Customers find the shelves of the Wal-Mart stores empty most of the time because the stores are cutting back on its workforce. Various other flaws have also been reported by the customers and they find it a really difficult task to shop at the stores of Wal-Mart. In comparison to other retail shop, if low prices are offered than extraordinary growth can be continued by Wal-Mart. It can become the number one largest retailer of the world by such continuation of growth (Alexander, 2010).

Current Position

Wal-Mart has faced friction in establishing dominant position in markets in the global economy. It also had to face some cultural differences as well as challenges in terms of management, logistics and distribution, and competition. One drawback Wal-Mart had that made them to miss the exact target in terms of customer preferences was that they were off target.

Another drawback Wal-Mart had been that they were vulnerable to trade barriers and suppliers. “Relationships with suppliers were a major problem for Wal-Mart in the international ...
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