Human Resources Management

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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management


There is a complex relationship between healthcare and human resource management. All the healthcare providing organizations are ultimately completed for the people and by the people; the strong bonding between human resource and the requirements of healthcare organization require strong understanding which ensure the success of healthcare providing organizations. However, the professionals belonging to human resource management do recognize the requirement for developing, managing, motivating, maintaining and retaining of highly qualified and professional staff in healthcare organization. This paper will be discussing some of the common concepts related to human resource operations within healthcare organization.

Factors that Affect Recruitment of “In Demand” Employees

There are some of the internal and external factors that affect recruitment and selection of employees in organizations not specifically in healthcare organizations but in other sectors as well. There are external and internal factors in relation to the organization that directly or indirectly influence recruitment processes. There are some of the most relevant current legislation, labor market conditions and unions. All of them are situational or contingent, and can influence facilitating or restricting the results of a selection process that begins with a recruitment activity. While in healthcare settings, pressure for the increment in salaries, incentives and development in working conditions at times comes in between when reduced revenues makes it difficult to control the cost (Christine, 2006).

The Government, through labor legislation makes it easier or limiting the recruitment process. Thus, minimum wage policies, basic wages impose conditions that companies must comply. In countries like the U.S., laws prohibiting discriminatory processes, acting in the same direction. Importantly throughout the world experienced labor law changes, according to current values ??and ideologies of the prevailing conditions. There are some other reasons because of which the healthcare industry stays behind other employers is because of the fact that employers with healthcare organizations compete within them for technical staff and nurses. Most of the healthcare employers offer the same benefits, incentives and salaries and same working conditions to the staff members, competition is only based on salaries.

Every organizations wants to recruit right people for the vacant positions and they compete in the same manner but the leading organizational managers do something more as compare to other employers in order to recruit and retain their qualified staff members (Linda, 2001) . Other factors also affect recruitment like basic ethical grounds, and second, because the staffs that get under specific ...
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