Human Resources Management

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The Impact Of Human Resources Management On The Organizational Performance

The Impact of Human Resources Management on the Organizational Performance


“HRM is organized learning experiences provided by employers, within a specified period of time, to bring about the possibility of performance improvement and personal growth.”

According to the definition given above it can be explained that HRM is a diversified field which is surrounded by different views given by researchers. HRM is linked with the performance of individual as well as the organization. In recent years, human resource management (HRM) practices have grown systematically to become firmly embedded within a business mindset yet by contrast; human resource management (HRM) activities have evolved to perch awkwardly between the more-established disciplines of business, education and social policy (Brown, Kelly, 2006).

In today's era of globalization, the competition among the companies has increased to great extent in the industries. The organizations now have become more focused towards attaining the competitive advantage among the competitors and have become more focused towards developing and implementing effective strategies within the organizations so as to achieve their ultimate targets and goals. The employees of any organization are the major driving forces that lead the organization towards success or failure. The success, growth, profitability as well as the competitive advantage of the organization depends upon the effective and efficient performances of the employees. Therefore, the managers of the modern organizations are highly involved in motivating their employees to perform their tasks and duties effectively because the success of the organization depends upon the performances of the employees.

The human resource department of the organization plays an important and significant role in the success and profitability of the organization. The human resource department develops the strategies and policies for the effective management of the employees. The culture and structure of the organization is greatly affected by the human resource department's practices and the organizational culture and structure further impacts the overall performances of the employees. The overall aim of the human resource department is to develop the strategies by which he managers can motivate their employees to perform their duties effectively and efficiently. The human resources practices have direct and significant upon the overall organizational performances.

Research topic

The research topic that is selected is related to the effectiveness of the human resource management's activities upon the organization. Therefore, the selected topic is as follows.

“The impact of human resources management on the organizational performance”

The selected research topic will help us to identify the positive impact that the human resource management activities creates upon the employees work behaviours and upon the overall performance and success of the organization.

Research problem

There are various factors within the organization that creates negative impacts upon the performances of the employees and also upon the business processes. Most of the organizations, particularly the modern organizations that are dealing in the competitive environment, believe that the human resource management activities are the ways that provide the guideline to the employees so that they can perform their responsibilities ...
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