Human Resources Development

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Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development

Task #1

Evaluation of the Plan

LSST is planning a training session for its teacher on health and safety aspect of the classroom and with appropriate technique an evaluation over the plan is conducted which will be discussed in detail. This plan is based over health and safety aspect which required building in awareness among teachers for health concern. Health and safety training should be given to teacher with proper panel of health care taker and expertise in such fields. Teacher's required to maintain their health on their own by saving themselves from hazardous health related issues.

Evaluation of plan for training session event includes following steps:


Evaluation is done in order to determine success of an event. This event success rely over effectively arranging and appointing an expert in health and safety concern in order to provide them appropriate training. At first, it is required to identify aims and objectives of particular training session event. Aims of conducting training sessions for teachers are to increase awareness and highlighting benefits of health and safety. Proper evaluation of the event conducted which required before plan advantages it gives to participant or audiences. So, at first an evaluation concern over whether event is going to have an impact on audiences and participant or not. Participant impact of plan is evaluated is as follows:




Health and safety training enables teachers to understand health and safety awareness. It provides training over maintaining good physics by joining gym of LSST, having regular exercise for better accomplishing school objectives. It gives guidelines includes:

Provides teachers to exercise on regular basis

Do not sit in whole class have some physical activities

To control over classroom environment with calmness and coolness.


Objectives are to give proper training with practicality on health related advantages. Objectives should be to establish plan of activities which should be involved in order to generate efficient outcome from it. In order to generate better outcome for training session for teachers it required in advance to encourage teachers in adequacy and benefit of attending training sessions of it. Questioning with teacher should be conducted in order to have teacher awareness, knowledge, attitude, skills or empowerment. These entire question shows that there are success over conducting a training sessions.

Conducting Evaluation

Evaluating is done through various evaluation techniques in order to generate views of teacher's view point in relation to health and safety aspect. Particular evaluation is being conducted through some techniques which shows that teacher's found beneficial such training in view it gives them proper guidelines and awareness of having good health. This evaluation gives future perspective to continue it over time for longer duration.

Action after evaluation

As per evaluation conducted a proper evaluation report should be made which contains following aspects:

Evaluation Report


Conducting training session for teachers in classroom


To increase awareness of teachers for health and safety protections.

Attended Participant

Group of teachers conducted health and safety aspect event.

Evaluation Methods

Evaluation Methods used in order to conduct evaluation ...
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