Human Resources Development

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Training and Development of Siemens

Table of Contents


Overview of the Siemens2

Kolb's (1979) Learning Style Model3

Honey and Mumford's (1982) Learning Style Model4

Learning Curve5

Training Needs for Staff at Different Levels6

Organizational Level6

Team Level7

Individual Level8

Training Methods used in an Organization9

Training Model for learning event10

Training Need Analysis10

Training Design11

Training Delivery11

Training Evaluation11

Siemens Training needs11



Appendix 1- Pictures16

Appendix 2 - Self Evaluation18

Training and Development of Siemens


There is no single definition of learning theories and learning styles as each proposing different description and classification. However, commonly, learning styles refer to an individual's choice of behaving, organizing and presenting information in the organization. Among various learning models, Kolb learning style model is more prominent as it has survived over the years and fact it has adapted by many other researchers (Honey and Mumford, 1982; McCarthy, 1981). Further, Honey and Mumford (1982) is another theory which is based on the Kolb experiential theory and is highly effective in designing learning and training events. Moreover, learning curve is also play an important role in increasing the productivity of employees in an organization (Bostrom et al, 1993).

Overview of the Siemens

For this assignment, UK leading Technology Company Siemens have been selected. Siemens is the world's largest electrical and electronic engineering company and there are 20,000 employees working in the organization. Siemens goals and mission is to provide the quality products and service by maintain its market position in the competitive environment. For this, they need quality human resources who possess the extensive knowledge and expertise of the engineering, IT and business. Since Siemens is the large company, its needs are also large of requiring for the right people at the right job. Further, they also require the skilled labor for their factory work, trade apprenticeships, designers and managers at all departmental and organizational levels. This assignment will explore the training and development needs of the Siemens in managing its staff skills. For the purpose, it is necessary to have clarity of wide learning theories and styles and their differences that could be appropriate for the company (Siemens, 2012).

Kolb's (1979) Learning Style Model

The learning style model of the Kolb et al (1979) proposed the experiential learning theory which incorporates the learning process and also the important role experience of learning and training in the process. The Kolb et al (1979) defines learning into the four phases or four cycles. These four stages in the learning theory involve the four abilities which the learner should possess for the effective learning and retention of the learning through the experiences. These four abilities consist of concrete experience abilities, reflective observation abilities, abstract conceptualization abilities, and active experimentation abilities as shown in picture 1 (Appendix 1). Kolb et al (1979) further describes the model into two dimensions as the concrete/abstract and active/reflective. The assumptions behind the model of the Kolb is that the people learn from their particular past experience combining with the present demands which develop the particular learning style emphasizing learning abilities over others. In addition, Kolb defines the four significant abilities which are based on ...
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