Human Resources

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Human Resources

Human Resources


Effective management of the human resources importantly contributes to the success of the business. In addition to that, it is believed that if human capital is not managed effectively, the organization is not likely to perform efficiently, even though with the application of all the profits and marketing strategies. Human Capital is an important part of the organization and it provides significant contribution to its success. The management of human resources can greatly aid in the improvement of organizational behavior in the areas such as flexibility, competency and staff commitment. It is likely to result in an improvement in the performance of the staff.

Human resources are an essential source of attaining competitive advantages majorly due to its capability of converting various other resources including material, methods as well as machine. These resources are utilized in order to attain an output, which could be either a service or a product. In today's world, mainly every resource of the organization could be copied like capital and technology. but it is considered by various authors as well as researchers that human resources is a competitive advantage that could be gained by the firm and could not be copied that easily. It takes ample energy and investment of time in order to develop the culture of an organization. This culture could only be developed with the effective management of the human resources. According to an author named khatri (1999), the most essential features which provide adaptability as well as flexibility to the companies are the people of the organization.


It is the responsibility of the managers to determine the constantly changing environment and realize the need for a change. This in turn makes the obligation of the manager to adjust its human capital accordingly. It has also been highlighted by some of the scholars that managing capital or technologies are easier than managing the people within an organization (Barney, J. 1991; Lado, A. A. & Wilson, M. C. 1994). However, the organizations that are able to effectively manage their human capital are known to have a competitive edge over its competitors for long periods of time. The organizations which are known to have effective practices of the management of human resources are considered as organized and disciplined organizations (Crouse, N. 2005).

Quality of Work Life

This is known to be a concept which is multi featured. It basically means an environment of work, where the activities of the employees are considered much more significant. Keeping this in mind, the organization tends to implement policies or processes that would primarily focus on making the work less routine and much more rewarding for the employees of the organization. The quality of work life is also related to the productivity of an organization. These Human Resource Management policies allow the employees to get satisfied within their working environment. These policies are also focused to provide the employees with a variation within their daily jobs so their jobs would eventually become a lot less boring and more ...
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