Human Resource Profession

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Human Resource Profession

Human Resource Profession


This paper intends to evaluate what it means to be a human resource professional. The concept of human resources will be clarified, and the concept of human resource profession within the context of CIPD will be discussed.


The concept of human resources in developed from the concept of 'personnel' since the activity involves in dealing with employees cater a lot more than just paying monthly salaries and other benefits. This concept gained its popularity because this reveals that employees of any organization are its most important asset. Managing human resources properly leads to the attainment of organizational goals more effectively. Organizations must make this resource feel satisfied while working with them and must take every possible step in order to retain the quality human resources. Whereas the concept of human resources management refers to an activity that is performed by organizations in order to recruit and manage their workforce. This function provides the freedom to employees in order to make their directions in accordance with the organizational goals.

Human resources simple means the employees working for an organization. In all modern organizations, there is a department named 'human resource department' which deals with managing the human resources in every sense. The department of human resources deals with recruitment of employees, their trainings, their compensation issues and many more related issues with the employees (Susan, Randall, Steve, 2011, Pp. 265-275). The department of human resources does not contribute to the organization's productivity directly but it somehow motivate the existing and newly hired employees to perform the best which results in higher organizational development.

Being a Human Resource Professional

Being a human resource manager is an important task since it deals with the changing requirements of any organization. Human resource professionals need to create a work environment which makes the employees feel that they are valued, their growth is ensured and they are given complete chances to work productively in the competitive environment. For today's modern organizations it has become essential to focus on retaining talents which they have recruited.

There are new and more challenging roles being created for human resource professionals. Human resources manager is now seen as a strategic partner of the organization, an advocate or sponsor for employees and a changing mentor. Moreover, human resource professionals still possess the responsibility to deal with the problems and issues raised by the employees in everyday situations. Compensation and benefits, all the paperwork for employees and even sometimes issues related to employees' payroll are often dealt by human resource professionals.

The basic responsibilities assumed by human resources professionals depend upon the size of the organization and the nature of work the organization deals with. All the activities that are related to the employees of any organization are considered to be under the domain of human resource professionals. Other than the basic function commonly known for the human resource department, the functions of leadership, team building, organizational development, employee relations and many more are also included in the ...
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