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How Can Hr Implement Tqm (Total Quality Management) In An Organisation? Icici Prudential Asset Management Company India

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How can HR implement TQM (Total Quality Management) in an organisation? ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company India


Table of Contents



Research Aims and Objectives3

Significance of the Study4

Research Questions4

Profile: ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Ltd.4


Human Capital Theory6

Quality Management Strategy10

Quality Assurance14

Human Resources16

Identified Human Resource Challenges17


Research Design19

Research Technique and Process21

Instrument Design23


Pilot Questionnaire23

Ethical concerns24


Chapter 1: Introduction


Beginning in the mid-twentieth century, a third worker category emerged based on the development, collection, and dissemination of knowledge. Persons with this skill set were known as knowledge workers. Knowledge workers shared three traits with artisans: a relatively long skill acquisition time (a graduate and post-graduate college degree), an apprenticeship (internship), and a propensity for self-employment. Employers adapted to and encouraged self-employment because they did not need a specific knowledge worker's talent for an extended time. Knowledge workers also shared two traits with production workers-a restricted set of skills (often a subset of a larger profession) and mobility in the marketplace.

This background discusses the setting for the development of quality assurance techniques in production industries and the setting for applying those techniques in service and knowledge industries. (Galbraith 2004, Pp 12-13)

The benefit of identifying, measuring, and improving attributes of quality has its origins in antiquity. One of several common traits of individuals, tribes, and formal organizations is the concept that a better idea, practice, or product supplants its inferior predecessor or competitor. Improved quality is a desirable trait in both produced goods and in delivered services.

Prior to the eighteenth century, individuals or small groups (e.g., family or local community) subsisted by hunting, herding, farming, and producing specific items. Producers sold or traded surpluses to neighbors. The receiver had a limited number of possible producers and producers had a limited number of possible customers due to restricted communications and transportation. These limited commercial opportunities caused the availability of items to be more important than the quality of items. (Stalk Evans & Shulman 2002, pp 57-69)

Workers in this setting were often referred to as artisans. Artisans obtained their skills through an informal or formal apprenticeship. Knowledge and skill passed from one individual to another over a relatively long time. Artisans rarely changed occupations because the time to learn a new trade was greater than the reward for doing so.

Quality assurance professionals developed measurement, analysis, and control techniques to increase the performance, dependability, durability, and longevity of products. Leaders of the fledgling service sector adopted production-based quality assurance techniques to help control the timeliness, consistency, and accuracy of their offerings. Burgeoning service and knowledge-based organizations identified the value of measuring and controlling the performance of employed and contracted workers. (Schonberger 2002, pp 80-87)

This project presents a series of human resource challenges from the research of quality assurance, human resource, and general management literature including worker recruitment, training, retention, and turnover. The project describes and applies established quality assurance techniques to those human resource challenges. The selected quality assurance techniques include a standard process improvement cycle, performance measurement methods, idea-brainstorming practices, check sheet data collection tools, Pareto Analysis, ...
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