Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Challenges of Human Resource Management


The pace of the change in the business world has dramatically increased over the last few decades. Business has risen up with the remarkable changes in the political, economical, legal, technological and global environments. Each day they have to face new yet a different challenge.

Human resource professionals are required to carry out HR functions efficiently and effectively. This also includes using the resources of the organization with the lowest cost showing the highest possible productivity. They must be able to count, measure and calculate the effectiveness of the resources, internal operations and the overall organizational strategy. One of the foremost reasons of giving less importance to the human resource department comparatively lower value than finance or other department is, they cannot calculate their success. They must increase their profile of HR to give tough competition to the other departments of the organization and improves the level in their hierarchy. Human resource people encounter greater challenges than they would have ever done before. But besides this they also have many opportunities for companies to do extremely well through people's strategy. The information provided later on in the report will help human resource managers, and executive to understand that how they can tackle talent, leadership and demographic challenges. Some of the factors that really affect the performance of the human resource profession are workforce diversity, globalization, denationalization of the company and rapid changes in political, economical, and technological environments.


Challenges of the Human Resource Managers in a Broader Perspective of Modern Business System1

1. Workforce Diversity1

2. Globalization3

3. Advances in Technology3

4. Economic Environment3

5. Political and Legal Environment4

Measures to overcome the challenges5

Challenges faced by the Human Resource Managers within the Organization:6

The Integrated Approach of Human Resource Management8


Challenges of Human Resource Management


International Firms are struggling to adopt the practices among their auxiliaries, culturally and geographically because some of the practices for instance Human Resource Management (HRM) is very specific in terms of context. It carries out the specific functions. As per the present business scenario where the technological advances, political and legal environment changes workforce diversity and changes in information technology are unpredictable, Human Resource managers are facing many challenges (Rutherford, Buller, and McMullen, 2004, pp. 321-322). It is not easy for them to retain, attract and foster talented employees. These challenges exert pressure on human resource managers to design and introduce those mechanisms in their organizations, which are innovative for developing skills and competencies in the human resources of the organization to faces the upcoming challenges and accept them for the organization's best benefit (BCG & WFPMA, 2008, PP. 1-2)

Challenges of the Human Resource Managers in a Broader Perspective of Modern Business System

1. Workforce Diversity

The organization's success is highly dependent on how the upper management is going to manage the diversified human resource in the best manner. Dimensions of workplace diversity include, but are not limited to: age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, military experience, religious beliefs, parental status, and ...
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