Human Resource Management

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Managing Human Resources

Managing Human Resources

1.1 Factors Affecting Recruitment Process in Health and Social Care

The thumb rule for recruitment process is to follow the guidelines provided by the job description. But there are some important factors which ensure the quality of the workforce. Some of the most important factors are given below, which can affect the process of selection (Chapman et al., 2005, pp. 929).


The most important factor for the selection of motivated and skilled workforce is education and academic qualification. For social and health care organization, we need number of different candidates for different department. Some of them are required for the management of the organization and some for the health and care related issues. The minimum educational background will help to recruit the most capable employees.

Work Experience

Work experience is the second most important factor which assists organization to select the capable and motivated workforce. Experience such as handling the phone call effectively and satisfying the customer by providing the quality of service, financial expertise and some important skill which can prove beneficial for organization and to some extent can reduce the cost or increase the turnover of the organization. Some job descriptions require holding of minimum service experience. Like for the vacancy of the medical officers, relevant experience is required of hospital and health care management.


A good, motivated and expressive employee tends to have more confidence and the chances of success are high when a confident employee interacts with clients and potential customers. Social and health care organization has more interaction with general public and only a confident employee can handle them effectively.


Smile and warmth of the employee can positively impact on the potential customer into loyal customer. The overall personality impression is very critical and difference making factor especially in customer-oriented industry. Organization can find out the suitable personality by talking with candidate at length so to understand the natural characteristics of their personality.

Specific Skills

Specific skills are the set of those skills which are essential to perform the specific job description. For example in health and social care organization one is supposed to understand the issues and problems of customer and can report these problems on international standards of reporting.

1.2 Relevant UK Employment Laws

Every country is required to follow the relevant laws and regulation regarding the practices of selection and recruitment process. Some of the most important and relevant law of UK are given below which ensure the transparency and equal employment opportunities for candidates (Davidov, 2004, pp. 98).

Equality Act 2010

The objective of this law is to address the discrimination of employees and provides provisions and remedies to undo any sort of discrimination. This law has harmonized other anti-discriminatory laws and much of the provisions are pre existing. Though it got the criticism of conservatives, but it is considered the most comprehensive piece of legislative framework to address the issues of discrimination.

Mandatory Retirement

This piece of law describes the age limit of employees and it has rendered all those age limits unlawful which are ...
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