Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management



Answer No.1- Storey's Model to Analyze the HRM System4


Employer Attitude5

Job Description6

Workplace Culture6

Work Design7

Career Progression7

Visibility of Corporate Goals8

Answer No.2-HRM Contribution to Cirque's Business Success8

Recruitment and Selection9

Monitoring Employees' Performance10

Analysis to Manage Working Relationships10

Individual Training and Development11

Strategies to Promote the Continuing Development of Individuals12

Answer No.3-How Cirque Du Soleil Manages Workplace Culture of Their HRM Activity14

Managing Cultural Diversity14

Culture and Work Environment14




Human Resource Management


Cirque du Soleil is a well-known Canadian entertainment company which is self-described as a dramatic mix of street entertainment and circus arts located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michael based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The company once fired one of its employees named Matthew Cusick, because of HIV. He took serious reaction and filed a discrimination complaint against the company in Court. The company had to pay $600,000 for ending that HIV discrimination complaint. According to Lambda Legal, this agreement is considered as the greatest and most effective public settlement ever in the case of HIV discrimination. This complaint was mediated by the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It was mentioned under the settlement that Cirque du Soleil would introduce annual antidiscrimination training sessions in its organization for training all of its employees who were working globally in order to adopt a policy based on zero-tolerance towards discrimination on any disability including HIV. filed a federal employment-discrimination complaint was filed by Lambda against Cirque that claimed that an international group of employees of the company denied to work with their colleague having HIV and due to this that company fired that man (Lambda Legal, 2004).

It is the responsibility of the human resource department to maintain the overall balance in the organization. It involves all the practices and procedures from recruitment and selection of eligible candidates to monitoring and training them. The success of an organization is highly dependent on the performance of its HR deparmnet. In order to promote the continuous development at Cirque du Soleil, it is important to improve the practices of human resource department.


Answer No.1- Storey's Model to Analyze the HRM System

The theoretical model that is selected is Storey's model for the analysis of the HRM System of Cirque Du Soleil. This model represents two sections named as low commitment/ hard HRM and High Commitment/ Soft HRM. The main focus of this model is on the following seven characteristics:


Employer attitude

Job description

Work place culture

Work design

Career progression

Visibility of corporate goals


The process of selecting suitable candidates by screening process for an organization is known as recruitment. There are many policies and factors that have to be maintained for the recruitment of a candidate. In Cirque du Soleil, the recruitment policies in past were based on the abilities and skills to be trained or to do job in minimum time duration. But with the revision of policies, Cirque has unified its recruitment procedure and based it on the attitude and integration with other people. This shows that company has become more people focused. During the recruitment process, company focuses the initial attitude of the candidate and ...
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