Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

1.1 Learning Styles practiced in UK companies

The learning style in organizations plays a key role in defining the job responsibilities affectively and efficiently. The Honey & Mumford learning questionnaire is still one of the most well-liked learning styles resources which points out four categories of learner: theorists, activists, reflectors and pragmatists. Activists comprehend the knowledge best when encounter with innovative ideas; reflectors learn through observations and also analyzing the work of others. Theorists learn by using their active knowledge which helps them to analyse multifarious situations; while pragmatists learn by associating their work with both internal and external environment.


These kinds of people look things from different angles. They are prone to sensitivity. They do not take pleasure in doing things rather they only watch. The always gather complete information and use hypothetical ideas to solve problems. They are good at simple and clear situations which they see from various viewpoints.

Kolb has called this style 'diverging' because in these kinds of situations people can perform better by brainstorming and coming up with new ideas. People who possess diverging learning style desire for wide cultural interest's and do information gathering. People who are imaginative and emotional, and have a strong background of arts become their interested area.


The learning style is used for a brief and logical approach. Ideas and models have been given more significance than people. These people need a clear explanation instead of a practical opportunity. They have a good understanding on wide-ranging information which they organize in a logocal format. People who have assimilating learning style are usually less attentive towards people and more interested in new and innovative ideas and concepts.

1.2 Learning Curve Model

The learning curve is a line which shows the relation between the time of units produced and the total number of units which are being produced. Learning curve theory has many broad range of applications which are used in today's business world. In manufacturing, it is used for identifying the time of designing a product its production along with the cost. Learning curves are needed to determine just-in-time systems, where lower inventories are achieved by abandoning some experience from product of long run. They are pivotal part of planning corporate strategy, like pricing concerned decisions, investment of money, and cost of operations which can be seen on experience curves.

1.3 Learning Styles & theories

The Kolb Learning is a Model of continuous learning with emphasis on real experience to certify the vague concepts and focuses on trainings with feedback option. The feedback of the training participants improves the learning process and also evaluates the effectiveness of training. Thus at LIDL, by using Kolb Learning Style participants can synchronize themselves with the training by using instruction, explanatory and behaviour based training methods

By using Honey and Mumford learning style individuals at LIDL can learn by interacting with qualified and experienced training coaches who can share their past experience with them and guide them to ajust themselves in the ...
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