Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management



Function of the human resource management3

Role and responsibilities of line managers4

Analysis of the impact of the legal and regulatory framework5

How to Recruit Employees6

Analysis of the reasons for human resource planning in organizations6

Stages involved in planning human resource requirements8

Effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organizations10

How to reward employees10

The process of job evaluation11

Effectiveness of reward systems12

Mechanisms for the cessation of employment14

Reasons for cessation of employment14

Procedures used by two organizations14



Human Resource Management


Personnel management is basically the set of activities regarding people which incorporated staffing, payroll, contractual obligations and other organizational tasks. Personnel management is more of a work centric nature. It is about managing people and not the resources. It is more of an administrative nature. It deals with the working force and their concerns rather than the resources. The personnel manager acts as an intermediary between the management and staff. It maintains workforce that is productive and satisfied. It shares the incentive and compensation plans with the people in order to motivate them (

Human Resource management is almost the same concept as the personnel management is with the advent of emphasis on resources it's now termed as human resource management.HRM also deals with people and the resource management. Workers now demand that the organization should be concerned with them and should look after their needs such as

1) Parental leaves

2) Flexible timings

3) Family care assistance

4) Job sharing

The above mentioned things are the ones or which Human resource management is responsible. It makes sure that an employee's needs are fulfilled be it organizational or personal so that productivity is increased HRM's goal is to achieve success through people in the organization (Melkonyan,p.n.d).


Function of the human resource management

Human resource management involves the development of people along with the resources. It works for the well being of the employees. The department is responsible for training, hiring and firing the staff. They identify career goals and needs of the employees. The functions of HRM are ( Borade ,2011)

1) Relating individual needs with career goals

2) Identifying the areas that require trainings and improvements

3) Generate common grounds for employees to express their ideas and views

4) Recruiting required workforce

5) Providing promised pay rolls and benefits

6) Promotions of employees

7) Open door policy for employee grievances

8) Implementing strategies effectively in order to achieve organizational goals

The above mentioned functions of Human resource department contribute to the organizational purposes in full filing required things. Ideally this department is responsible for everything within the organization so if it will not function effectively then eventually it will affect the organization's image and position. Human Resource department is a main unit of any organization that plans, recruits, and assign responsibilities to employees. It designs the pay rolls and compensation packages for employees more Or less it is a large department with a lot of duties related to the work force of the organization from the lower to upper management.

Role and responsibilities of line managers

Usually large businesses have a separate ...
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