Human Resource Development

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Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development


In the competitive business world of today, the success depends increasingly on effective management of Resource. The structures and the technology can be easily copied. But the factor that makes a company different is their people or Resource (either in industry or in the field of services, in the public or private); people of an organization are considered as the most important asset. Ultimately, the most important in the competitive business environment today is people. Because Human Resource is critical in every one of the elements of an enterprise, its effective management is the responsibility of all directors of all functional areas: accounting, management, marketing, sales and even human resources. In general, society and particularly organizations increasingly require more productive and competent Resource, accompanied by the need to meet high quality standards (Swanson, 2001, 299). Given these commitments, challenges and needs, it is necessary to reorient strategies planning, monitoring and evaluation of the most important resource that counts any type of organization: human resources. In order to be successful in the rapidly changing environment, organizations need to maximize productivity of all organizational resources such as information, human, financial, and physical. Furthermore, in a competitive global market, organizations need highly qualified employees to achieve business goals. People must be prepared to thrive in environments of constant change, leading teams effectively and making decisions that add value to the company. Thus in this paper I am going to evaluate the main goal of HRD which is to improve the expertise and performance of individuals, work groups, work processes, and the overall organization.

Human Resource Development (HRD)

Throughout history various frameworks and definitions were offered authors. According to Dilworth, (2001, 103)human resource development should not only include workplace learning and economic development, but strong commitment to the cultural, environmental, social, spiritual, and political development of individuals around the globe. A definition which focuses on learning is given by Short, & Bierema (2002, 237), states that Human resource development should be focused on learning and performance of individuals and organization. Till now Human Resource Development is considered as a complex field and its extreme importance if revealing through its roles, functions, and general purposes. The main purpose of Human resource development is to develop and assess workforce so that individual and organizational goals can be achieved and better service can be provided to customers and to improve the expertise and performance of individuals, work groups, work processes, and the overall organization. Organization possesses various opportunities for employee or human resource development, both outside and within the workforce. Human resource development can be formal and informal. Formal such as an organizational planned change effort, college course, or classroom training and example of informal development is coaching by manager. Effective organizations follow and cover all the aspects and believe in human resource development.

Another definition given by Preskill, (2003) states that Human Resource development is established to improve personal and organizational through set of organized learning ...
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