Human Resource Development

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Human resource development for the information society

Table of Contenets

Table of Contenets2



Background of the study3

Purpose of study3


Literature Review3

Characteristics of the information society3

Factors affecting human resource development3

Information producers3

Information processors3

Information distributors3

Information infrastructure providers3

Strategies for human resource development3

Information literacy3

Training of information professionals3


Research Methods3

Data collection3

Time Scale3





List of Tables3




Toward the end if the second millennium if the Christian era some happenings if chronicled implication have changed the communal countryside if human life. A technological transformation middle round data technologies, is reshaping, at accelerated stride, the material cornerstone if humanity (Castells, 1996, p. 1). The transformation foreshadowed and the overhead quotation has presented new communal, financial and heritage organisations and has produced an explosive development and the publications a “the data society”. A widespread condemnation if numerous if the writings are that the period data humanity is utilised very roughly, so much so that there is no widespread delineation, and it entails distinct things to distinct people. The data humanity has been characterised a periods if the centrality if information and human activity. Thus Drucker (1993, p. 8) values the period “post-capitalist society” or “knowledge society”, because the rudimentary financial asset “…is no longer capital, neither natural assets (the economist's land), neither labour. It is and was knowledge”. Some writers, such as Machlup, Bell and Porat, characterise the data humanity a solely financial periods and aim and the development if the data part and data occupations and the evolved countries. Yet other ones contend that the characterising characteristics if the data humanity are comprised by the diffusion if computer and telecommunication technologies.

This last delineation is likely the one that most up to date writers now accept. The universal ascribe if up to date data societies is the influential function if data expertise an advancing the pace and correctness if data processing as well as a changing the very environment if communications, so altering the modes that we organise our communal organisations and financial activities. The expertise that will have the utmost influence and the way data societies function and the future will undoubtedly be mesh expertise as comprised by the Internet. Castells (1996, p. 32) has asserted that “what distinguishes the present technological transformation is not the centrality if information and data, but the submission if such information and data to information lifetime and data processing/ connection apparatus, and a cumulative response loop between discovery and the values if innovation”. He shows this by pointing out that and the past, technological discovery progressed through “learning by using”, while a networked natural environment, users discover expertise by managing and end up “reconfiguring the systems, and finding new applications”.


Background of the study

The popularity of the Internet has increased with the development of client-server software applications like wide area information system (WAIS), the Gopher and the World Wide Web (WWW), which were designed to facilitate the search and retrieval of distributed documents residing on many servers. The Web in particular, with its graphical user interface, has led to an explosion in the ...
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