Human Resource Analysis

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HUMAN RESOURCE ANALYSIS Critical Analysis on Human Resource Management

Critical Analysis on Human Resource Management

Introduction to the concept

It is a known fact that given the current social and economic changes businesses have altered the way significantly, they manage human resources. However, still remains a deep hiatus between the management discourse that is quite centered on the human factor and the practices effectively carried out by companies. At the theoretical and conceptual level, extra attention has been given to the importance of people's creative potential as a crucial strategy for companies' adjustment to change. That factor emerges as a basic condition for survival of companies in the highly competitive and extremely uncertain context. The current spread of concepts and theories about intellectual capital, knowledge management, and emotional intelligence is a clear example of that extra importance attributed to the human element. Nevertheless, the workings of the economic and social system are a lot more complex; showing the multifaceted reality that always fits neither that conceptual approach nor effectively corresponds to policies publicized by companies (Guest, 2011, pp. 3-13).

The spread valorization of human capital is much talked about, but what is seen include the emergence of dual practices and the segmentation of human resources within companies. Regarding the labor market, even though the gradual deregulation is advocated often - Usually to favor more economic flexibility and job generation - the fact is such diversification of contractual relations. This analysis will focus on movements and those multiple contradictions between theoretical assumptions and practices developed by real businesses.

Theories and Analysis

In the twentieth century, the personnel function is playing an increasingly important role in business organization and content expands remuneration, career management, study skills and work stations, assessing people, social work, negotiations, information, training, organization, requirements planning, participation, etc. These practices are based on knowledge more or less validated by research, they are based on principles or epistemological positions, which are rarely mentioned and may be subject to critical reflection.

Historians have shown that practice preceded it: "we can say that the nineteenth century is that of the Personnel Function without personnel services, the twentieth century that function with Staff Personnel Services (Kaufman, 2010, pp. 615-636). To confine ourselves to the twentieth century, the Personnel become important under the influence of the strengthening of social law and social protest movements. The two world wars had also an effect of enrichment practices and strengthening of the civil wars because staff often outweighs the need to extend civil organizations in a bit of solidarity on the battlefield.

After the second war, Different European countries began a period of economic growth and social transformation which will be designated after the fact by the Thirty Glorious Years and whose term will be caused, some say by the first oil crisis. The war boom is not a period of upheaval or even fundamental change in the staff because, in essence, the legal framework is fixed from 1945 to 1946 and Different European countries lives at the time of the Fordist ...
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